The Result

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It had been a week or so now since Sarrum's death and his men's hasty departure. Merlin felt certain they would think twice before trying something similar again, especially with their mastermind dead. No, Merlin wasn't worried about them anymore. With the kingdom back to the state of relative calm, he was once again concerned about Mordred and the prophecy.

Arthur on the other hand was thinking about alliances that might actually work.

"I've been thinking we should approach Helva next," Arthur was saying. "They won't disagree with us about magic and could prove a useful ally."

"It makes sense," Merlin replied. "Especially since we already have allies within Helva's walls. Should be an easy alliance to make."

"What do you mean?" Arthur asked.

"Don't you remember when I told you the Catha were on our side?" Merlin explained.

"Honestly Merlin, sometimes it's hard to keep track of all the things you tell me these days," Arthur sighed. "I do recognize the word Catha though."

"I first learned of them when Morgana had them kidnap Gaius to learn of my identity," Merlin began. "But once they learned who I was, they turned on Morgana and sided with me. They also live in Helva."

"And who exactly are these Catha?" Arthur asked.

"The Catha are an order of priests of the Old Religion. The one I met was named Alator," Merlin began. "He is a High Priest of the Old Religion. He might be the last one, though I know there are less powerful magic users who follow him." Merlin decided to leave out the fact that this particular order was highly skilled in the art of torture. There was such a thing as too much information, and Arthur didn't look like he should be informed of that particular fact at the moment. No matter their skill set, Merlin knew the Catha to be his true allies, and he wanted Arthur to agree with him.

"And you believe they would make good allies?" Arthur asked.

"I know them to already be my allies," Merlin replied. "Which makes them yours as well by association."

Arthur merely nodded at Merlin's words. He seemed to be thinking hard about something.

"In that case, I feel it's probably best if you approach them on my behalf," Arthur said after a moment's silence. "Make sure he knows about Camelot's change in attitude towards magic before you invite him to join us."

"I can do that," Merlin said.

"And then there is the city of Helva itself," Arthur continued. "I bet they will need to be approached separately."

"Makes sense," Merlin agreed.

"How much power does the Catha hold over Helva?" Arthur asked. "Who should be approached first?"

"That, I am not sure about," Merlin replied. "Though, as I already have a rapport with Alator, it makes sense to start there."

"Very well," Arthur said. "I leave it in your capable hands, then."

Merlin had almost gotten used to this, though he couldn't say he was completely accustomed to being a pivotal figure in Camelot's politics. Arthur came to him for advice more and more each day. Merlin was used to giving Arthur advice. He was, however, less used to Arthur giving him the authority to represent his kingdom. The more time he spent helping Arthur in his office instead of polishing armour, the more Merlin was feeling like a court official.

As he left Arthur to the rest of his kingly paperwork, Merlin began thinking up how to best contact Alator. It wasn't like he knew exactly where to find the Catha leader, and going on a mission blind seemed like a bad idea. Even so, he'd have to come up with some way. One idea he had was to contact the druids. They might know how to get in touch with Alator. Either way, it was a problem to be solved tomorrow. The hour was growing late, and Merlin felt sure he'd come up with better ideas come morning.

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