The Story

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As usual Arthur would have forgotten his anniversary if not for Merlin's reminder. Even so they had quite a lovely picnic to celebrate the occasion. Merlin's favourite part had to be floating all the bags in the air instead of carrying them on his back like a pack horse.

"It must have been really annoying for you all these years," Arthur was saying as they rode along with Merlin magically floating the luggage. "To always be carrying everything when you knew a simple spell would have saved you from a sore back?"

"And got me executed," Merlin reminded him. "Actually after so many years hiding, not using magic became a bit of a habit. This-" he gestured to the picnic supplies floating in mid air, "-feels very strange."

Arthur chuckled, before encouraging his horse to move faster. Gwen matched the King's speed and with a roll of his eyes Merlin kept pace with them, their supplies following magicly behind him as they rode.

Merlin hadn't mentioned his worries about Gwen to the King yet. He knew just a forest spirit's riddle wouldn't be enough for Arthur to distrust his Queen. With everything out in the open, there had been nothing Merlin could do to prevent Gwen's learning of his magic which made him wary.

When they reached the spot with the best view, Arthur told Merlin to set up. With a wave of his hand and a few whispered words Merlin laid all the supplies to rest on the ground and they began to organize themselves into a picnic.

"If I'd known you were this useful all along," Arthur said, slightly awed and with a gentle shake of his head.

"You'd have what?" Merlin asked. "Given me more work to do?"

"Yeah probably," Arthur chuckled.

"Oh stop it," Gwen said with a smile. "Merlin, would you like to join us? I made sure the kitchen sent enough food for three."

"Don't mind if I do," Merlin said grinning. With all the food mixed together there was no way Gwen could know who would eat what which meant it probably wasn't poison, or maybe that was just him being paranoid.

"Oh come on," Arthur whined. "This is our anniversary. We don't need a third wheel."

"Then why did you invite Merlin?" Gwen inquired.

"Well someone had to carry everything," Arthur answered.

"Half pack mule, half bodyguard," Merlin sighed. "Story of my life." Collecting some food he turned to move away. "I'll just eat over here shall I, so I don't throw your two wheeled axle off balance."

Merlin couldn't help but smile even if he was trying to sound sad about it. He'd have never imagined life could be so normal with his magic out in the open. Arthur still teased him and Merlin still got him back. He wasn't even sure why this made him so happy or maybe he was. Though it looked like bullying, this kind of teasing had always been how Arthur had shown Merlin they were friends. Merlin would have missed it if Arthur had started treating him like just a dignified Court member. How boring that would be! Merlin also thought that a powerful servant made a much less conspicuous bodyguard than someone dressed like a fancy member of court. Merlin didn't know how to be fancy and he wasn't interested in learning. It was enough just to get to be himself.

When they were all done eating they returned to Camelot, Merlin once again floating their supplies along rather than carrying them. His shoulders had never felt better.

Merlin took a quick trip to the armoury when they returned to set up some spells to clean Arthur's armour during the course of the day. Then it was back to his chambers to see if Gaius needed anything.

"You've never been so helpful, Merlin," Gaius said.

"I've never had so much free time before," Merlin grinned. "It's rather strange. What does one do with free time, Gaius?"

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