The Understanding

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It was just revelation after revelation these days. Arthur was starting to feel like every time he saw Merlin, he learned a little more about what had really been going on these last ten years.

Merlin's father had died right in front of him, the same as Arthur's, but unlike Arthur, Merlin had had no choice but to hide that fact from everyone. Arthur couldn't even imagine what that had felt like and then the dragon was a whole other story. Arthur could remember so well when the Great Dragon attacked Camelot. What he could hardly believe is that apart from that one incident the dragon had helped him and to top it all off Merlin was that dotterly old man sorcerer who kept popping up. The level of his obliviousness was becoming quite staggering to the point where Arthur almost didn't want to think about it.

Even so he couldn't deny that Merlin's powers were impressive. So impressive in fact he felt sure Merlin could have cured Mordred on his own without the Disir's help. It had likely been Merlin's plan all along for Arthur to go back to see them to try to save Mordred. He'd probably known what decision the Disir would give him and hoped Arthur would bring magic back to the realm. There was, of course, a chance he was giving his friend too much credit though if recent events had taught him anything it was that all the work and none of the credit had become Merlin's motto.

Arthur still hadn't decided if he was going to ask Merlin this directly or if he was happier not knowing.

Speaking of Merlin, Arthur hadn't seen the warlock yet this morning. Usually Merlin showed up every morning with some silly phrase to get the King out of bed, but today Arthur awoke to the sun shining in between the curtains. Turning to the side, Arthur saw his wife still asleep. He got up quietly to close the curtain so as not to wake Gwen.

Until recently Arthur would have assumed Merlin's absence meant he was in the tavern, but as that was no longer likely Arthur was almost worried. He tried to tell himself he was being silly. Who could possibly be a threat to Merlin after all? Everything was probably fine.

It wasn't until he'd gone looking for breakfast and ran into Gaius in the hall that Arthur learned how right he'd been to worry.

"Poisoned!" Arthur exclaimed. "How is that possible?" There was no way an outsider got in so totally undetected last night and who had the power to take Merlin off guard?

"I don't understand it either," Gaius replied. "But he's in a bad way." Without another word Arthur followed Gaius to Merlin's bedside.

Arthur looked down at his friend. Merlin's skin was so pale, his eyes closed. He looked close to death. The sight chilled Arthur to his core.

"What do you need for an antidote?" Arthur asked Gaius.

"I wish I knew," Gaius answered. "But as I don't know what poison was used I have no way of making an antidote."

"There must be something we can do, Gaius!"

"Ironically it's Merlin's magic we need here," Gaius replied. "I feel certain his power would be enough."

"He's unconscious," Arthur reminded the old man. But then Arthur had an idea. "Do you know of any other magical healers apart from Merlin that we could call on?"

"Yes but I fear it would take too long to get them here," Gaius replied. "Our best bet is to learn what poison was used which means finding out who did this."

Arthur was about to ask if Gaius had any idea where to start an investigation when the look on his face told Arthur he already did.

"Out with it Gaius," the King ordered. "I can tell you already think you know who did this."

"Yes but you won't want to hear it," Gaius replied.

"Tell me," Arthur snapped. He hated seeing Merlin like this.

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