Episode 5: Tears of the Jolly Beetle

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~Swellview City Hall~

Captain Man and Kid Danger had been asked to attend a gratitude ceremony by the Mayor of Swellview. The people of the city wanted to do something for the hero and his sidekick since they worked every day to protect them.

"And luckily, Swellview has the best crime fighters of all. And so, my fellow Swellviewians, as vice mayor of this fine city, I present these medals of recognition for bravery and community service to our very own Captain Man and Kid Danger." The vice mayor read out his speech to the packed room, in which (y/n), Charlotte, Jasper and Piper were sat together towards the back. Henry was beaming with pride at the crowd, but Ray was busy flirtatiously looking over at Miss Swellview. (y/n) swallowed down whatever jealousy rose in her throat and tried to focus on her happiness that the two were being recognised.

The crowd applauded and cameras flashed as the politician finished speaking and Miss Swellview placed their medals around their necks.

"Oh, and please accept this coupon for one free medium frozen yoghurt." He added at the end, passing the voucher to Ray and Henry.

"Each?" Henry asked, only seeing one coupon.

"No, you'll have to split the yoghurt." The vice mayor left the stage, allowing Captain Man to step forward to the podium.

"Thank you, vice mayor. And thank you, citizens of Swellview." Ray humbly said to the crowd.

"Hey, why didn't Henry come to this?" Jasper whispered to Charlotte as Ray carried on his speech.

"Oh, he--uh...his goldfish had babies." She lied, which confused the kids on her left and made (y/n) raise her eyebrows on her right. It wasn't the best lie she'd ever come up with.

"What goldfish?" Piper said. She lived with Henry, surely she'd be the one to know if he kept a fish in the house.

"I didn't know Henry had a goldfish." Jasper pondered.

"Well, he does and she was pregnant." Charlotte said in a firm tone, wanting Jasper to believe her.

"Do we know who the father is?" (y/n) had to put her hand over her mouth to stop from laughing, as Charlotte just glared at him.

"And we very much appreciate these medals and the yoghurt, which we'll share." Ray finished awkwardly, running out of things to say.

"Kid Danger, you're up." He said, letting Henry take over. The crowd broke out in cheers again, which made pride bloom in his chest.

"We love you, Kid Danger!" Piper fangirled from Jasper's side, making everyone wince at her volume.

"Kid Danger is so hot." She stated, looking across at Charlotte, who wanted to throw up at the comment.

"Yeah, you don't wanna be saying that." She said, as (y/n) too felt a bit nauseous from Piper's words. They all looked back to the stage, as Henry began to speak.

"Even though I've only been Captain Man's sidekick for a short time, I really--" Henry was interrupted by loud music playing over the speakers, signalling that there was no time left for him to make a speech. Everyone got up to leave, as he sighed in annoyance.

"Wha--Seriously? They're playing me off?" He asked Ray, who placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"I think there was a time limit." He explained, but it didn't really make Henry feel better. Photographers lined up to get a shot of the superhero duo, but Captain Man seemed to be more interested in having his photo taken with Swellview's glamorous beauty queen. (y/n) rolled her eyes as Henry got pushed to the side.

"Hey Captain Man, our car's ready." Henry said, after (y/n) had whispered in his that it was time to leave.

"Then let's ride." Ray said in a manly voice.

Captain Man x Reader | Henry Danger Reader Insert: SEASON 1Where stories live. Discover now