Episode 8: The Space Rock

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"Careful, careful." (y/n) said to Gooch, who was busy operating a crane. Henry watched on as they tried to move a space rock around the store. One wrong move and the immensely dense rock would break through the floor.

"No, no, move all those things to the side," Gooch said to Henry, who was trying to clear some space for the rock.

"All right, all right." He said dragging a table across the room.

"Hey, you guys." Charlotte entered the shop, carrying a tray of corn dogs.

"You're late for work, Char." (y/n) said to her, her eyes still on the rock.

"It's not my fault. There was a line at The Corn Doggery." Charlotte explained to her, so the woman decided she would overlook it, just this once.

"You got us corn dogs?" Henry asked his friend, excited at the prospect of food.

"Yeah, dude," Charlotte said as Henry went to grab one.

"How can you eat those things?" (y/n) asked the teens, looking at the greasy snacks in disgust.

"Because they're delicious," Henry stated in an obvious tone, making her roll her eyes.

"This is not corn dog time. Okay, give me a corn dog." Gooch scolded his colleagues, but the temptation of a deep-fried sausage was too much for him.

"So, what is all this?" Charlotte asked, corn dog in hand.

"That is a big rock," Henry said.

"From outer space." (y/n) added in, making the rock seem even more mysterious.

"No, I mean, what's this crane for?" Charlotte cleared up.

"To move the damn thing. It weighs over seven thousand pounds." (y/n) told her, pointing at it.

"Wow, can I borrow this crane to move my big Uncle Rosco? Because he's been on our couch since Christmas." Charlotte turned to Gooch, who wasn't sure if she was serious or joking.

"Why aren't you downstairs with Ray?" Henry piped up, realising that it wasn't often that (y/n) came upstairs to Junk-N-Stuff.

"Eh, he's doing some stupid dancing thing with Leilani, so I figured I'd come help with this." She muttered, looking at a random item on the shelf so they all wouldn't see how hurt she was. But they did, and a sympathetic wave washed over them.

"Darn it. Which one of these controls makes the--" Gooch suddenly said as he pulled at the levers and pushed several buttons. Unfortunately, he hit the release button and the rock dropped through the floor and kept going until it reached the Man Cave below.

"You nitwit, how did you drop it?" (y/n) looked in horror at the damage that had been caused.

"Wow, that things gonna drop all the way down to the Man Cave." Charlotte pointed out.

"Ray!" Henry and (y/n) looked at each other with wide eyes and ran to the walkie-talkie on the counter, hoping they could warn him in time.

~Meanwhile, down in the Man Cave~

Ray was dancing and wiggling his hips in time with Leilani when his laser remote in his pocket started to ring.

"Hey, I can't talk. I'm hula-sizing with Leilani." He said.

"Ray, there's seven thousand-pound space rock on its way down there," Henry shouted down the line.

"There's a what on its way down where?" Ray stopped dancing, as he tried to understand what Henry had just said. Unexpectedly, the space rock came smashing through the ceiling and hit the superhero on his head. Leilani screamed at his side and looked at him in horror.

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