Episode 11: Henry the Man-Beast

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~The Man Cave~

As per Ray's orders, (y/n), Henry and Charlotte were sorting out all the junk which was kept in the Man Cave's storage rooms. There were machines, boxes, spare parts, and it was all theirs to reorganise. Of course, (y/n) loved a tidy workplace, but the prospect of the three of them doing all the work in one afternoon was exhausting.

"Ugh, why do we have to reorganise the stupid storeroom? Shouldn't Ray be doing this?" Henry asked the woman, who was emptying a load of boxes.

"Probably, but he's the one paying you two, so just tell Charlotte what that is so she can write it down."

"Uh, it's a big, heavy thing with things on it." The boy described it since he had no idea what it was or what it did.

"Great. Another big thing that's a thing with things on it." Charlotte complained. Her list wasn't making much sense.

"Ah, whatever." Henry shrugged it off, thinking that the poor stocktaking would make Ray sort through his own stuff next time.

"Right, you two, I'm going to take these back. Oh, don't touch anything while I'm not here, some of this stuff's pretty dangerous." (y/n) warned them in a serious voice, wheeling the boxes through the door next to the supercomputer.

"Ok." Henry leaned against a machine once she had disappeared. An orange light fizzled out from the top of the device and shocked Henry, making him convulse in pain. Charlotte watched in horror as the shock came to an end.

"What are you doing? Ray and (y/n) said not to mess with this stuff." She told him in a concerned voice.

"I wasn't messing with it. I just leaned on it--" The teen boy was cut off as Ray and Schwoz came through the sprocket.

"You're wrong," Ray said to his friend.

"I told you that--" Schwoz tried to argue back, but he was interrupted by the larger man.

"Give it up, Schwoz! The answer is wild monkeys." He shouted.

"It's not--" Again, Ray's voice overpowered him.

"Well, I told you you're wrong." They were both stubborn men, and without a referee to control them, their arguments got the better of them.

"I told you the answer is soup." Schwoz protested, the two of them walking down to where Henry and Charlotte were stood.

"Well, I disagree." Ray noticed the kids standing around.

"Okay, let's ask them." He gestured to the teens.

"Ask us what?" Since (y/n) was busy, the job of settling their squabbles was up to Henry and Charlotte.

"If you kids had to choose, would you rather..." Schwoz started.

"Be eaten by wild monkeys..." Ray said his answer.

"Or you get boiled in a big pot of soup." Schwoz finished, passing the query to the kids.

"What kind of soup?" Henry asked, as (y/n) came back, smiling when she saw all her friends together.

"Someone say soup?" She asked.

"Listen, my favourite little helper, would you rather--" Ray started to ask her, but unexpectedly, a beeping red alarm sounded on the wall.

"Ugh, Gooch needs me. I'll be back down in a sec." Charlotte groaned, knowing her time in the Man Cave was up.

"Hey Ray, can we finish going through all this stuff tomorrow?" Henry asked his boss.

"Why? It's only five o'clock." Ray looked at his watch in confusion.

Captain Man x Reader | Henry Danger Reader Insert: SEASON 1Where stories live. Discover now