Episode 17: Caved In

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Schwoz and Gooch were making a beeline for the entrance of Junk-N-Stuff. The sooner they could get out, the fewer questions they would have to answer. However, they couldn't escape the eager confusion of Henry and (y/n).

"Wha--wait! Gooch, Schwoz, don't leave!" Henry called out, as he and (y/n) were carrying boxes from the back of the store.

"We need to cheer Ray up! Oh yeah, just run away!" The young woman yelled at them, but they ignored her and shot straight past Charlotte, who was reporting for work.

"Oh, come on, guys, you won't even look at us?" Henry shouted at the two fleeing men. He and his female boss angrily put down the boxes of junk as Charlotte came over to them.

"What are Gooch and Schwoz running from?" She asked, (y/n) putting her hands on her hips and sighing.

"Ray. He's in a really crap mood." She told the girl, scrubbing her face with her palm.

"'Cause, it's his super anniversary," Henery explained, Ray's crabby attitude had been rubbing off on him all morning.

"Super..." The dark-haired girl trailed off, needing a few more details to complete her mental picture.

"The anniversary of when he was eight years old, when he got densitised and became indestructible." The boy carried on, helping the woman sort out the various stuff that needed putting on the shelves.

Ooh, fun. We should celebrate." Charlotte smiled, thinking that a party for her boss would be fun. However, (y/n) paled at the idea, remembering how her own attempts at funning up Ray's super anniversary had fallen flat.

"No!" She shot down the notion.

"I mean 'no'." The girl quickly changed her answer, seeing how the woman freaked out at the word 'celebrating'.

"But, why not?" Charlotte was too curious to just leave it there.

"Ray hates his super anniversary," Henry said for (y/n), whose face was lacking her usual smile.

"Why?" The girl asked again.

"Because when Ray's dad realised he was indestructible, he took him out of school and started training him to, y'know, kick-ass and fight crime." (y/n) told her, Charlotte looking through her junk box and picking up an orange mask.

"Yeah." The girl said, indicating that she was still listening despite her newfound interest in the bizarre artefact.

"And now he feels like he missed out on all the fun of being a normal kid." Henry finished, a mannequin's head in his hand, which he went to put on sale.

"Aw, that's so sad." Charlotte sympathised with Ray, knowing that being taken from his childhood must have deeply affected the man.

"Yeah, he's never been camping, or been on a rollercoaster. He can't even ride a bike." (y/n) told them sadly, thinking about how misty-eyed Ray got when she spoke about all the awesome things she got up to as a kid and teen.

"Hmm. My uncle Rosco never learned how to ride a bike." The younger girl mentioned her infamous uncle.

"How come?" Her blond friend asked.

"Because when he was a kid, he already weighed 400 pounds. The bikes just couldn't take it." Charlotte told them, her head shaking as (y/n)'s and Henry's faces thought about all the squashed bikes the man must have destroyed.

"Poor bikes," Henry noted. (y/n) returned to her shelf-stacking, the gentle dingle of the door's bell drawing her attention as someone came in. It was a little girl, around the age of Henry's sister, so she left the boy to deal with her.

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