Episode 22: Captain Jerk

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~Henry's house~

It was an interesting dinner that night at Henry's house, to say the least. Their food had consisted of pizza, but not any pizza you will have seen. The topping wasn't cheese, pepperoni, olives, or anything normal, it was sushi. The family had wanted to try something new, so here they were, struggling to get the pizza into their mouths with their chopsticks.

"So, who likes my special pizza?" Mrs Hart asked her children, as they fumbled with their food.

"Uhhh, I don't think sushi really works as a pizza topping," Henry told his mom, hoping that if he was honest, it would mean that they wouldn't have to eat the combination again.

"Turn on the TV! Hurry! Turn on the TV!" Mr Hart rushed in from work, interrupting the family mealtime. He ran to the couch, switching the screen on as his wife and children abandoned their sushi pizza and scrambled to see what was happening.

"What's going on?" Mrs Hart asked, wondering what all the commotion was about.

"Today, after work, I stopped off at that massage place..." He started.

"Rub Me Do?" Henry butted in.

"Yeah. And on my way out, a news reporter asked me a question." Mr Hart said proudly, believing he had done something exceptional.

"Oh, honey, I'm so proud of you. I knew that one day--" Mrs Hart smiled, glad to support her husband for even the smallest thing, but she was interrupted as the news article came on.

"Shut up, it's on!" Mr Hart silenced any words on his family's lips, staring intently at the monitor.

"Sir, excuse me!" The female reporter grabbed his attention.

"Yes?" Mr Hart said, eyeing the camera in confusion.

"How do you feel about Swellview's ban on plastic bags?" She asked, holding the microphone to his body so she could get every last word.

"Oh, well, I personally believe that some US Americans out there in Swellview, don't use plastic bags, don't have plastic bags, and I believe that our education such as South Africa and the Iraq, everywhere, like, such as..." Mr Hart was clearly caught off guard by the camera crew and the resulting gobbledygook that poured out of his mouth confused both his family and Evelyn Velasco.

"Back to you, Trent." The reporter said, quickly moving on from her interviewee's odd response.

"That was me!" Mr Hart clapped his hands together in excitement.

"Impressive." His wife complimented, not wanting to hurt her husband's feelings.

"Yeah, nailed it, Dad," Piper added sarcastically, cringing at her father's appearance on the TV.

"Wait, wait, wait, shhh, shhh." Henry turned up the volume on the TV as an interesting story came on about Captain Man.

"And on a sad note today, Swellview's very own Captain Man went superhero to superjerko." Trent Overrunder announced, shocking Henry.

"What?" He exclaimed, wondering what Ray had done.

"Warning, the clip we're about to show you is disturbing." Mary Gaperman said too, and the news played a clip of Captain Man walking up to a child's lemonade stand.

"Hi, kids." He smiled at the children, who were blown away to see the cool superhero at their stall.

"Wow! You're Captain Man!" They gasped in awe.

"That's right. Hey, how much for a cup of lemonade?" Ray asked, wanting to brighten the kids' day.

"A dollar." The little girl replied, smiling at her idol. However, her smile soon disappeared when Captain Man gasped, ripped a mailbox from the ground and promptly whacked the lemonade stand until it was destroyed. The Hart family watched in horror as the children screamed and the superhero went beserk.

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