Episode 15: Super Volcano

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~The Man Cave~

Ray and (y/n) were sat solemnly at the supercomputer, as Charlotte watched Schwoz make some calculations. The small man was about to explain some horrible news to them all in more detail, but first, they needed Henry to come down in the elevator. The boy screamed on the way down, before stumbling out and into the bright room where his sombre colleagues were waiting.

"Hey, guys, what's the poops?" He said to them in a lighthearted manner, but the look on his bosses' faces made his smile drop.

"We're all gonna die," Ray said to the boy dramatically. He was holding his best friend to his chest, thinking that he only had a few more days to live with her.

"Whaaaat?" Henry asked, the question completely throwing him off.

"You're not gonna die." (y/n) hit his chest lightly, a sad smile on her face, but Ray just clung to her harder, not wanting to waste a single minute.

"You're indestructible." Schwoz reminded him in a serious tone.

"We're all gonna die," Charlotte added in.

"Well, it's still bad for me. Who am I gonna talk to when you're all dead?" The large man cried, the woman in his lap trying to give him some comfort. Who was he gonna have to love when she was gone?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is going on here?" Henry said in bewilderment. He had never seen his boss look so upset, or Schowz without a smile.

"That." The genius said, putting a video of some magma under the Earth's surface on the monitor.

"What is that?" The boy asked, just seeing a load of icky mess on the screen.

"That is a supervolcano, fifty miles below the surface of the earth, right under the town," Ray told him gravely, standing up but still not letting (y/n) go.

"Oh. Hey, you guys think I should get my teeth whitened?" Henry moved offtopic, not understanding the seriousness of the situation.


"Your teeth?"

"Is this kid serious?"

"Are you crazy?" All his friends protested.

"Two days from now that volcano is going to pop like a big, red-hot throbbing pimple." Schwoz described it to him, making Charlotte grimace at the image.

"Billions of tons of hot lava will spew from the ground and melt everything," Ray said, walking over to the boy with the young woman's hand firmly in his.

"You mean melt all of Swellview?" Henry looked at him with a pale face.

"All of the whole world." The smaller man clarified for him, sending Henry into a panic.

"But I just ordered a new bike online." The teen squeaked.

"Well, when does it get here?" Schwoz asked.

"Next week," Henry replied, swallowing a lump in his throat.

"Oh yeah, no, your bike is screwed." (y/n) said to him sadly as the others shook their heads and she hugged Ray's arm. Two days wasn't enough time to tell him everything she had ever wanted to say to him.

"Oh man, the whole world is going to end? You sure of this?" Henry was starting to feel very nauseous.

"Yes," Schwoz confirmed, going back to the computer.

"Schwoz has been watching the volcano, monitoring the vibrations, doing all the calculations," Ray said, his voice breaking when (y/n) wrapped her arms around his waist. Two days wasn't enough time to do everything he had ever wanted to do with her.

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