Episode 6: Substitute Teacher

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"Oh, yes. You are a nice thing." Gooch cooed as he stroked the top of his new machine. In fact, he loved it so much, he wanted to show it off to more people, so he decided to alert everyone down in the Man Cave that something was wrong.

"Gooch! What happened?" Ray and (y/n) came running from the back, heavily panting. They had rushed upstairs together, thinking that Gooch was in terrible danger.

"Why did you send us an emergency signal?" (y/n) said breathlessly, her chest still heaving. She hadn't run like that since college.

"Look. That's a garbage juicer." Gooch showed them, a proud look on his face, but Ray and the woman next to him just stared back in disbelief.

"A garbage juicer?" Ray couldn't believe it. (y/n) rested her arm on his shoulder, her breathing coming back down.

"It juices garbage," Gooch explained, even though its name was self-explanatory.

"Gooch, we were busy downstairs looking for criminals." Ray chastised him, but the Indian man still gave them a demonstration.

"Watch. I just dump the garbage into the thingy." Gooch said as he emptied a load of trash into the top of the machine, the smell making (y/n) gag.

"Gooch..." She tried to tell him that they were busy, but the storekeeper wouldn't listen.

"Now, observe." Gooch pressed the button and put a glass underneath the nozzle of the machine. It whirred to life and started to liquefy the garbage. A greyish-brown juice started to fill the glass cup and the smell was revolting. The two watching the process stepped back in repulsion.

"You see? The garbage is gone. It's all in the juice." Gooch seemed pretty impressed, but the woman in front of him had started to turn green.

"I think I'm gonna puke." She looked away into Ray's shoulder and he curled a protective arm around her.

"Can we go back downstairs now?" He asked to which Gooch just looked down, giving him a silent answer. He grabbed (y/n)'s hand and started to lead her away from the juice before she could throw up.

"Ray! We gotta talk to you!" Henry burst through the shop door, Charlotte in tow.

"This is important." The girl added in, they walked towards the retreating pair.

"Please, I will be sick." (y/n) moaned at the man holding her hand, using the other one to hold her mouth.

"There's a creepy new kid at our school." Henry started to tell Ray.

"Ugh, can we talk about it downstairs? Gooch's juice smells and I think (y/n)'s about to barf." Ray complained, grimacing at the juice that was still on the counter.

"Okay." The kids agreed, following their bosses downstairs, leaving Gooch to drink his garbage juice alone.


"Why do think this Ortho kid is up to something?" Ray asked them in the elevator as the door shut.

"Well, he was asking about the school's water supply." Henry said. (y/n) hugged Ray's waist tightly in preparation for what was about to come, hating the trip down in the faulty elevator. His density meant that he didn't really feel the weightless effect as much as anyone else.

"And he wanted to know about the security cameras and--" Charlotte was interrupted by Ray reaching across and pressing the descent button. His arms went around the woman hugging him so they could secure her to his chest.

The elevator dropped with an immediate effect, causing Henry and Charlotte to scream in terror. They wildly moved around the falling machine, but Ray was perfectly fine.

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