CHAPTER 26 - PicaMee - The Odd Couple

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Bullet entered the café restaurant and scanned the place. As soon as he saw the two important ladies in his life, a wide smile curved on his lips. He walked towards them and stood by the table, opening his arms wide.

"Who missed me?!"

"I did!" Namee shrieked.

"Who missed me?"

"I did!" Namee even raised her hand as she beamed at him. She then shot to her feet and threw herself towards Bullet who hugged her back while chuckling. Dara could only shake her head while watching the two goofballs. It was Saturday and it had been a week since she last visited him at his house, a week after her conversation with Jiro in the tub.

Jiro seemed to be lost in his own thoughts a lot recently – staring silently at nothing in particular as he stood in her balcony while smoking a cigarette. Oftentimes, she catches him looking at her with an unreadable expression. She knew it was about Riko and honestly, she was scared to pry on the subject.

Riko took days off at school using health problems as an excuse. It worries her that Riko tried to harm herself because of Jiro, which might also be because of her too. Her conscience wouldn't be able to bear the thought of someone ending her life because of her that was why even if it pained her, she tried to understand the situation, hoping that everything would be settled.

Dara's eyebrows were mashed together because of the troubling thoughts. She took a bite at her pizza before throwing it unceremoniously on her plate.

"Stop frowning at the poor pizza. You're hurting its feelings", Bullet remarked and pinched her nose lightly, startling her. "Hey munchkin", he drawled and winked at her. Dara laughed at his flirty display and watched as he sat across Namee and her on the table.

"So! What's new? And no, I don't want to hear about your Jiro", he said pointedly at Dara.

"My Jiro?" Dara questioned somberly, making the two look at her.

"Trouble in paradise?" Namee asked.

"Hey, hey, hey. No talking about that guy. Have respect on the food in front of us", Bullet said dramatically, disgust written on his face. "Say sorry to the pizza."

"Sorry pizza", the two girls said obediently.

"Good. Now, let me try this again. What's up?"

"I'm pregnant!" Namee blurted out and giggled while covering her mouth.

"That's good news!" Bullet exclaimed, ignoring Dara's shocked gasp. Her eyes widened in an impossibly huge size while gawking at her friend. She knew Namee was crazy, but not THAT crazy! How could she be so reckless? How could she have let this happen?! They're only in their third year of college, for Pete's sake!

"Who's the father?" Bullet asked excitedly while Dara gasped once again. Why is the idiot not even slightly dumbfounded by Namee's revelation?

"He's a third year student like us! And he's from the Black Dragons!"

"Hmm... There are a lot of third years in Black Dragons but the ones you had interaction with are Bonsai and Picaro. So, it's Picaro?"


"Wow! That's cool"

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Dara exclaimed in exasperation, but the two just kept on going.

"So, what are your plans now?" Bullet asked while grinning.

"Oh, it's simple. I don't want to live in the Rostelli mansion and I'm quite attached to Little China Town so we need to have a house there. With a garden of course!"

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