CHAPTER 28 - His Kind of Love

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Dara's POV

The moment we entered the InterSAT gate, I felt the force of a hundred stares judging me. The rumor had spread. Everyone probably knew that Jiro and I made out at the library. *Groans...* Goodbye reputation.

Jiro wais walking gingerly beside me with his hands inside his pockets and with a stoic expression on his face, which seemed to be his standard state. He was not even slightly bothered by the gazes of the students around us, completely opposite of what I was feeling.

I roamed my eyes to prove my suspicion and groaned inwardly. They're judging me! WAH! What are they thinking? Oh my gosh, they're probably thinking that we did it in the library! Or...or...that we are having sex everyday and everywhere! WHICH.IS.NOT.TRUEEEE!

I frowned and bit the edge of the book that I was hugging, a rebellious feeling welling up inside me. This is not fair! I haven't even seen it and I'm being judged like this.

I whipped my head sidewards, hiding half of my face behind the book, and looked at Jiro. Then, I dragged my gaze down to stare at the 'target'. I wonder what it looks like...

"What are you looking at, Ramirez?" Jiro abruptly stopped walking and faced me. I swiftly averted my gaze and pretended to fix my hair. "Nothing", I mumbled before stealing a glance at him.

He was staring intently at me like he was reading my thoughts, so I took a step back away from his radar. I noticed the group of students huddled at the entrance of the building watching us and it somehow made me self-conscious, so I took another step back away from him.

Jiro cocked his eyebrows at me and looked at the distance between us. He stepped forward and I backed away in reflex.

"What are you doing?" He asked while frowning.


He took another step forward and my feet automatically reacted, taking a step back. I yelped when I bumped onto someone, and that someone snaked his arm around my waist to steady my footing.

"Ooops... Careful munchkin", Bullet said and grinned at me. "Gotta run, I'm late. See you later!"

"Be careful", I called out as he dashed towards the building's stairs. He waved at me and I waved back while smiling.

"Munchkin?" Jiro's stern voice entered my ears. I gazed back at him and blinked, wondering what he was asking. "He calls you....munchkin?"


"Oh that?"

Uh-oh. Is he pissed?



He narrowed his eyes at me and I immediately cowered. Why does he have to be so damn intimidating? I forgot what I was going to say!

"Let's go. We'll be late", he suddenly said and proceeded walking. I kept my mouth shut and followed him, his eyes focused forward and his eyebrows deeply furrowed. We ascended the stairs and strode at the hallway, the students parting and murmuring at each other while looking at us.

"Jiro", I called out. "Are you mad?"


HE'S MAD!  What if he does his punishment again?! I tightly hugged my book and bit the edge as I recalled the 'punishment' he did that night. I could almost hear my heart beating hard when I pictured his mouth capturing my nipp-...ACCCKK! Did I moan that night? I did! Oh my God, what did my breasts taste like? Sweet? SALTY?! NOOOO!! He should not do THAT again unless I'm fully prepared and taste strawberry! And...and...what if he goes downwards and licks me down there?

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