CHAPTER 29 - Locker X

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Bonsai yawned and slung his bag on his shoulder while walking drowsily towards the Black Dragon's turf. It was early, but he'd rather be at school than watch the chaos that would unfold once his two older brothers wake up and find out what Battou did to their sports trophies. When he woke up and saw that the kid used the trophy parts like lego blocks and attempted to build some incromprehensible crap out of it, he moved in lightning speed and dropped Battou off the pre-school near their house before running towards InterSAT.

He opened the door to their turf and stopped on his tracks when he saw the two people seated in one of the broken chairs at the corner. Great. Another thing he didn't want to deal with in that early morning.

"Yo", Picaro greeted. He just grunted in response and directed his gaze to the girl beside his gang mate.

"Hi Bonsai", Namee greeted cheerfully.

"Hey", Bonsai approached the two and sat at the edge of the broken table near them, setting his bag beside him. He then dragged his gaze at Picaro's sketchbook and grimaced when he noticed that he was drawing Namee's portrait. "Are you going to paint Cheng wearing only a necklace?"

"Shut up", Picaro muttered without glancing at him, his eyes focused on the sketchbook as he moved his hand carefully with each stroke of the pencil.

"So you two are together together?" He asked.

"Yes", Namee responded enthusiastically.

"Uh-huh. Congrats", he stated boredly.

Namee giggled and rested her head on Picaro's shoulder. "Picaro told me you're not into relationship and stuff. Why? I think you will be a good boyfri-..."

"Whoah! Hold it, woman", Bonsai's eyes widened in disbelief. "Picaro, control your girl."

"You're so cute", Namee rose from her seat and strode towards him, leaning on the edge of the table where Bonsai was seated. "Having a girlfriend is fun!"

"In what parallel universe is that statement correct, may I ask?"

"What is it that you don't like about girls, Bonsai?"

Picaro smiled inwardly, knowing that a battle of galactic proportion was about to commence.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you girls flip out every five minutes and when asked what's wrong, you'll say 'Nothing' and expect us poor guys to have some magical power to know what the actual fuck is wrong. And when a guy is quiet, you girls think all weird shit when in fact, we just want to have a silent moment to think what we want to eat for dinner. Not to mention the fact that when you girls are mad, you tend to bring up something that we have done on Sunday of February 25, year 2009 10:28pm and rub it on our faces. And you girls turn into a monster when you have your period!"

Namee eyed him while smirking, unabashed by Bonsai's words. She flipped her hair and crossed her arms over her chest before speaking, "First, when a girl said nothing is wrong and you think that something is actually wrong, then it probably means one thing, you are the issue. When we say 'Nothing', that's actually a code for 'Get the fuck off my face before I claw your eyes out.' We're actually giving you the signal to escape because we are compassionate beings. Second, if you are quiet, we don't think weird shit. We enjoy silence as much as you do. And when we're mad, yes we bring up past mistakes but it just shows how much we care." Bonsai rolled his eyes as Namee continued, "Lastly, yes, we're monsters when we have our period and we're entitled to that. Can you just imagine if you have blood leaking in your private part for three to five days, not to mention the menstrual cramps that make you wish for your immediate death?"

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