CHAPTER 36 - Separation

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"Ramirez," she heard his gentle voice followed by a soft kiss on her shoulder. Dara stirred awake and cracked an eye open, her mind still hazy with sleep. She squeezed her eyes shut before opening them again, blinking multiple times, noticing the beautiful sunrise outside the window.

"Ramirez," Jiro called out again. She turned her head toward the guy and she was welcomed by the sight of him tenderly staring at her. God, he looks so handsome. Her day already felt complete.

"I'm going to work. My classes are in the afternoon so I'll just go to school after my shift. I prepared breakfast for you. Just stay at home instead of going to school so you can rest. I'll just inform your friend that you're not feeling well."

"No, I can handle it. I'm fine," she said sluggishly.

His eyebrows instantly connected with her response. "You're sore," he pointed out.

"I'll be fine, Jiro. Go now. You'll be late."

He fell silent as he stared at the girl, stroking her upper arm with his fingers, not really wanting to leave.

"Stop staring at me," she whined, covering his eyes with her hand. Jiro peeled it off his eyes and held her hand, gazing at her and sighing afterwards. "Okay, I'll go now," he said.

"Kiss me first," she demanded, puckering her lips playfully. He gave her an amused smile as he cupped her face with both his hands and dipped down, giving her a quick peck. He drew back an inch before giving her another peck on the lips and showered her with soft kisses all over her face, making the girl giggle. He then nuzzled the crook of her neck, licking and sucking her skin as he gathered her in his arms, wrapping her in a tight embrace and making her sit up.

"Jiro, enough," Dara said huskily and hit his arm lightly when she felt that the guy was getting carried away. Hesitantly, he stopped and drew back while breathing raggedly.

She stared at him deeply, her heart thundering inside her chest as she took all of him. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face on his shoulder, inhaling his fresh scent. How she wish she would have more mornings like this with him. She felt his hand stroking her back before giving her a kiss on the temple. Dara lifted her gaze and met his eyes, his brown orbs glimmering because of the sunlight bathing the entire room.

"I thought you want me to leave now?" he asked, a teasing smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Instead of responding, she rested her cheek against his chest, listening to the loud pounding of his heart.

"What will I do with you, Dara..." he whispered in a hoarse voice, his arms around her becoming firm.

"Your heart is beating hard," she said in a hushed tone, her eyelids becoming heavy.

"I wonder why," he mumbled, even though he knew exactly why.

She blinked a few times before her eyes shut closed, sleep successfully engulfing her. Jiro tilted his head and stared at the girl who fell asleep in his arms.

The reason why his heart beats hard was now sleeping soundly.



Okay, this is serious. My body was still a bit sore but that was the least of my worries. Now that I was fully awake, I was dreading the moment of encountering Jiro at school because... Oh God, the things we did last night! *Groans*

Just recalling the things that I moaned when he was feasting in my...ugh! I just wanted to bang my head on the wall multiple times because of embarrassment. How did I look last night? My legs were spread apart while he was right there in my—GAH! And he slid his tongue and smelled my...ACK!

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