CHAPTER 1 - The Transferee Student

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A deep frown is plastered on her face as she darted her eyes around. Broken windows, broken chairs, graffiti covering the wall… Any outsider will think that the place is a criminal hideout, not a university.

“Oh my God”, Dara heard the other student behind her mumble. The girl beside her is already breathing audibly and producing some weird wheeze sound like Darth Vader.

“Alright, little lambs!” the school guide, who looks like he is planning to sell them to some human slavery auction, clapped his hands and grinned at them. “Welcome to International School of Arts and Technology! Also known as InterSAT! Admin office is on the other building, there are restrooms on each floor and anything that you need to find, you can see it on the school map that was given to you. If there are gang brawls-”

“G-Gang brawls?” a student exclaimed in disbelief and immediately cowered when the school guide smirked at her like she is the most innocent and adorable thing he has ever laid eyes on.

“Yes, little lamb. G-Gang brawl”, he mimicked and chuckled. “There are different gangs in this school, but they call themselves ‘organizations’ or ‘clubs’ just like other schools to put up a front. So, as I was saying, if there are gang brawls, just run away so you won’t be hurt. That is all. Stay alive and see you around!” He made a salute and ran away while throwing his ‘school guide’ badge elsewhere.

Stay alive and see you around? That is not very promising.

Nervous murmurs filled the air as the block of transfer students discuss among themselves whether they should just transfer to the university located in the city. Although it is very far, at least they are assured that all their limbs will be intact at the end of the day. Unlike in InterSAT, which is like the breeding ground of all notorious gangs in the area.

If not for the stupid principal of their former school, none of this would have happened. The block of transfer students were all from the recently closed Bridge Rose University, located just a few streets away from InterSAT. Their former school was closed down due to insufficient fund which is brought about by admin mismanagement.

“How about you, Dara? Do you want to stay here? It is the start of the semester so I think the registration is still open for other schools”, one of her classmates asked.

“I’ll stay here”, she replied simply and smiled. Why would she transfer? This is the safest place for her because he’s here.

When the school bell rang, they all hurriedly looked at their schedule sheet and decided to attend their classes for the day to get the feel of the school.

“See you later”, Dara waved at her former classmates and sprinted towards the direction of her classroom, which is located upstairs.

“4C, 4C, 4C… Ah-hah!” she exclaimed in delight when she finally saw it. Just as she was about to enter her classroom, Dara screamed in fright when a guy was suddenly hurled out of the door.

“FCK!” The guy cursed under his breath and immediately stood up. Another thug stepped out of the room and the two exchanged punches. All hell broke loose as other students joined in.

Dara covered her mouth in shock and her eyes were as wide as saucers while witnessing the brawl that is happening before her. She was rooted on her spot, unable to move. When she finally came to her senses, she took a step back and was about to run away when she saw a fist rapidly coming towards her face. She is going to be punched! She has never been punched in her whole life but she is very EXTRA sure it will hurt like hell! She wanted to spring out of the way but her grandma reflex prevented her from doing a damn thing.



She firmly shut her eyes, waiting for the pain (or death) to happen. Her heart is hammering inside her chest and her breathing came in short gasps due to fear of the impending pain that she will undoubtedly feel once that punch lands on her.

Nothing came. Instead, Dara felt the familiar presence behind her. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked multiple times. A hand with a dragon tattoo was in front of her face, grabbing the fist of the guy who was about to accidentally punch her. She can feel the loud thumping of her heart as she felt his chest like a sturdy wall at her back. She can even smell the faint scent of cigarette on his clothes. Dara does not need to glance back to know who he is.

“J-Jiro. Do you know her? I-It was an accident”, the guy stuttered. A stony silence enveloped the hallway as all eyes are focused on them. Even the ongoing brawl came to a halt.

Jiro Montecillo – head of the strongest gang in InterSAT – is a dependable leader and a frightening opponent. He seldom speaks and is always stoic. With his stunning looks and dangerous air, it is not surprising that almost the entire female populace in school wants to have even his slightest attention. But none of them succeeded. His nickname, Ice Lord, really suits him. He does not care about anyone and does not show any emotions. So how come the uncaring Ice Lord is meddling in a common brawl to protect the transferee student?

“Get lost”, Jiro growled and in an instant, the guy scampered away. Dara was about to glance at him but Jiro placed his hand on her head and turned her face to look at the classroom’s door, which is now bursting with dumbfounded students who all look like they are witnessing a miracle because of Jiro’s odd behavior towards the girl.

“Go to your classroom, Ramirez”, Jiro instructed and strode away, not even giving her a glance.

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