CHAPTER 11 - The Truth About Namee

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Dara's POV

WHY WON'T YOU KISS ME?! Somebody please tell me I was just dreaming! Did I really say that? Argh! The shame!

I groaned exasperatedly and planted my face on my palms. I just woke up with the mother of all headaches threatening to split my skull open and when I recalled what I did last night, I seriously want to disappear. How can I face Jiro again?! No no no. I will NEVER appear in front of him again. To hell with my promise about not running away! I will avoid him until he forgets my existence.

As I got off the bed, I caught sight of my reflection on the mirror and gasped. Oh my God, who are you?! I shrieked like a wounded animal and stared at myself on the mirror again – messy hair, puffy eyes, and red blotches on my skin. I acted like that last night while looking like this?! GAHH!

Something is seriously wrong with this week, I can feel it. I hastily prepared for school, ignoring the pounding in my head. As I went to the kitchen, I saw a bowl of soup and a medicine on the dining table with a note.

'Don't go to school. I'll ask your noisy friend to tell your professors that you're sick. – Jiro'

I read the note multiple times, a smile slipping on my lips. Just thinking that I'm the only one whom Jiro treats this way, my heart flutters a bit. But when my mind replayed what happened last night, the humiliation crept in my system again.  UGH!!

I thought nothing would top the embarrassment I had after I kissed him on the cheek when he prepared me a packed lunch but last night's events won by a landslide. I can now vividly recall how I rubbed my cheeks on his chest and purred like a cat, asking him why he wouldn't kiss me! GAH! I don't know what to do anymore!

I shook my head in frustration and hastily ate what Jiro prepared. Even though my body felt like it weighs a metric ton, I had to drag myself to school since we have a scheduled group presentation today. I don't want to be a burden to my classmates just because of last night's stupidity.

 "Munch...kin?" Bullet roamed his eyes on my face in astonishment when I came across him in the hallway. It was quite obvious he has not seen a walking zombie before. I knew I looked like someone who freshly crawled out of hell so I should be expecting such mortified looks from other people.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"Got drunk", I grunted.

"Is that because of me? I told you I'm willing to be your man!"

"Arden Lee", I stated in a threatening tone. "I'm seriously not in the mood and I feel like strangling just about anyone and your neck is within my reach, so please..."

"Whoah", Bullet draped his arm around me and I'm too weak to even protest. I can't even bring myself to care about his 'fan girls' gawking at us. He tilted his head to hold my gaze and chuckled. "You really are in a bad shape."

"I am. I feel terrible", I complained.

Bullet's smile faded and he looked at me intently. I almost want to apologize for looking like crap.

"Should I accompany you to the nurse's office?"

"No. I'll be fine. I already drank medicine."

"You should go home."

"I can't. We have a group presentation."

Bullet fell silent and he stared at me while pondering. I had to avert my gaze because I swear, I felt like my vagina is folding itself in fear with the intensity of his gaze. He can be quite intimidating when he's not smiling.

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