CHAPTER 27 - A Future with Her

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Dara murmured and shifted a bit but her eyes remained shut.


She felt a hand shaking her by the shoulder causing her to wake up from her nap. Her eyes fluttered open and Jiro's frowning face welcomed her.

"Why are you sleeping at a place like this?" Jiro asked as he sat beside her. She looked around and realized that she's still at the library, slumped on the floor with her back leaning on the shelf and the books scattered around her. She must've dozed off while reading since the book was still on her lap.

She glanced at the guy by her side. Jiro's eyebrows are mashed together while glaring at her, clearly mad about something.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"What's the matter? You're sleeping here alone!" He hissed.

Huh? She stared at him in bewilderment, clueless as to what the fuss was about. Everybody sleeps in the library; it's the norm in almost any school. Even in Bridge Rose, she had a favorite corner where she could read and doze off.

Jiro's lips formed a thin line as he scowled at her. "What if someone pulls a prank on you? What if someone touches you? What if someone kisses you?" He said gruffly.

Dara's eyes widened a bit, and then a smile slipped on her lips. "Nobody would do that. They know I'm with you", she said softly to ease his mind.

"Your friend did it before", he replied in a quiet voice while staring directly at her. Dara was drawn in his eyes, her heart pounding in a fast pace as she met his gaze. "You were sleeping on his lap and he kissed you", he added and looked away.

Dara leaned forward a bit and tilted her head to stare at his face, a small smile plastered on her lips. The Ice Lord is still mad. She leaned her back against the book shelf again, her eyes glued forward. "That was a long time ago. And we're clear that we are only friends. Besides, I told you Bullet is just playful and sweet. That's his personality."

"Then, he better change his personality when he's with you."

Dara chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest. "Jiro-..." Her words were cut off when Jiro pushed his hand on the floor and leaned towards her, his other hand resting on the shelf.

"I'm serious, Ramirez", he said hoarsely as he hovered near her face. "I saw him kiss you three fucking times", he whispered as his eyes flicked down towards her lips. She can feel his warm breath as he slowly lowered his head towards her and spoke, "If there'll be a'll drive me crazy", he said huskily before capturing her lips. Dara's eyes instantly fluttered to a close as she felt him moving his mouth against hers, her hands finding its way behind his neck. He nipped her bottom lip and ran his tongue on it, tasting her. "Open", he drawled sexily and she immediately complied.

His tongue darted and probed inside her mouth, touching and mingling with her tongue. Their breathing became ragged as he tilted his head and deepened the kiss, stroking every part of her, flooding her with overwhelming sensations that coursed through her body. She ran her fingers on his hair, eyes still tightly shut as they are both lost with the intoxicating taste of each other. He sucked her upper lip into his mouth, which earned a loud moan from her.

"Ssshhh", he whispered as he trailed gentle kisses along her jaw towards her neck. Another whimper escaped her lips when Jiro licked and nibbled her skin, making her feel hot all over. Her eyes abruptly opened when Jiro's hand covered her mouth as he went lower, kissing and sucking the crook of her neck towards her chest, his other hand working on the buttons of her uniform.

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