CHAPTER 31 - A Desperate Heart

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"Don't laugh", Dara warned Bullet when she saw his eyes wrinkling in amusement while biting his bottom lip. They were sitting inside an empty classroom during their vacant hour talking about Locker X when Dara suddenly popped the ridiculous question.

"Are you seriously asking me that question?"

"I am!" She exclaimed while eyeing him expectantly. "So how was it? How did it feel like when you lost your virginity? Can you still remember it clearly? Was it magical?"

Magical?! Bullet pretended to cough to cover his laugh, but the girl narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't laugh!" She shrieked.

"Munchkin", he rubbed his cheek with his hand while shaking his head, not knowing how to answer the curious girl. "How the hell did our topic shift to this when we were just talking about Locker X a while ago?" He asked, although in the twenty minutes that they were sitting idly, their conversation had been swinging from awkward to gross to a very serious one. He should not be surprised with the sudden shift of topic at all.

"Let's not talk about Locker X and about me being marked. I already promised you that I'll always be careful. Now, are you ready to answer my question, Mr. Lee? Or perhaps, you need more time to emotionally prepare yourself?"

"I think you're the one who needs to emotionally prepare yourself", Bullet smiled at her. "Can I say 'sex' in front of you or are you uncomfortable with that S word?" He teased.

"Cut it out", Dara frowned at him.

"Sorry", he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You looked really cute when you were asking about it earlier, I just can't help it. When you say 'magical', do you mean little cherubs flying around and playing harps during the first time I had sex?"

"Bullet!" Dara exclaimed, clicking her tongue in frustration. "You know what I mean."

"I'm not sure I know what you mean", he laughed softly. "This conversation is making me blush. How dare you assume I'm not a virgin anymore?"

"Oh please. There's always a trail of panties behind you and a line of girls eager to jump on your bed", Dara rolled her eyes at him. "Come on. How was it?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Just tell it to me how you remember it."

"I'm not sure I can tell you the details", he grinned smugly.

"I don't want the details of your spectacular mating", Dara retorted. "I want to know how you felt. I want to know a guy's perspective of the day he first did it with a woman."

"Munchkinnnnn", Bullet whined, curling his fingers in disgust. "This topic is making me cringe!"


"Because you're being so serious about this!"

"It was just a simple question. Or are you hiding something? Were you not able to make your 'thing' rise during the crucial moment?" Dara grinned and chuckled.

"Excuse your rudeness, my 'thing' is of super alpha quality that heeds to my command."

"Right, right. I'm sure your alpha penis has a lot of stories to tell. Now back to my question. How was your first time?"

"Hmmm..." Bullet pondered for a moment while staring at her. "I did it with a hot chick and I remember feeling good about it."


"That's it."

"That's it?" Dara exclaimed incredulously. "I'm sure you two talked after you did it."

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