Fall of an Empire (Lore)

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This is a short thing I wrote, a preview of a Minecraft lore fanfiction that I'm writing with glitchingstxrs- and W4FFLESUPR3M4CY on the account friendshipispoggers. It takes place in real life Minecraft, from the POV of yours truly. TWs: blood and murder, character death.

Wonder slowly opened her eyes as the dust finally settled around her. A loud, high-pitched buzz was ringing in her ears, making it hard for her to hear any other nearby sound. As she slowly sat up, she felt a sharp pain shoot up her leg, and she gasped, emitting a low cry of anguish. She tried to move, but a small deepslate boulder was trapping her leg, preventing it from moving. Her pickaxe was laying nearby, and she quickly grabbed it, sitting up while doing so. She raised the pickaxe and slammed it hard into the deepslate, once, twice, three times, until it fell apart, freeing her leg and exposing a wide, bloody wound. 

Wonder made to stand up, but her leg shook and gave out from under her. She winced, kneeling, unable to stand, her breathing ragged and uneven. Clutching the handle of her pickaxe, she attempted to stand again, this time using the pickaxe to support her. She drew herself to her full height, the majority of her weight on her good leg, and looked around at her surroundings, at her empire - well, at least, what was left of it.

A massive crater remained where the Deepslate Empire had once stood, the mountain it had been upon now leveled. Debris and broken deepslate boulders were strewn across the land, giving the ground a diseased look. Everything that Wonder had worked towards, the buildings that had once brought her joy and power, all gone.

She had nothing.

"No..." she breathed, her voice shaking. "No, no, no- my empire- my home-"

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she observed her ruined empire. Everything that she had owned had been in there- all of her wealth, weapons, and food. All of it was gone, save for the few things that she had brought with her, the majority of which had fallen from her inventory onto the ground around her.

She heard a distant shout from the bottom of the hill, and turned to face the source. It was Glitch, and they had shouted in triumph, reuniting with Hakai to celebrate the destruction of her empire. They didn't care that she had lost everything. They didn't care about her at all. A burning sensation began to grow in the pit of Wonder's stomach as she looked on, fueled by their joy, by their celebration.

It was hate. Unbridled, uncontainable hate.

Wonder's body seemed to move on autopilot as she knelt to the ground and picked up her bow. She looked over its worn, scratched surface, and watched a ripple of enchantment flow down its length, before reaching into her inventory and pulling out a single arrow, nocking it and resting the head on the arrow rest. She pulled back the string with three fingers, looking down the arrow and aligning it just above her target. She couldn't afford to miss.

The arrow flew high, curving in a graceful arc, before succumbing to the forces of gravity, and burying itself deep into its target.

Wonder smiled, before turning and fleeing the scene.

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