All I Want for Christmas (The Simpsons)

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"Kids! Hurry up, or we're gonna be late!" Marge shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

Bart and Lisa came running downstairs, pulling on their coats. Bart looked as if Christmas had come early, even though it was only tomorrow, but Lisa wasn't as excited.

"Mom, do I have to go to this stupid party?" she asked.

"Of course! What else would you be doing that's more important than the biggest celebration of the year?" Marge asked.

"I have to study!" Lisa whined. "School's gonna start soon, and I-"

"Ah, forget school!" Bart told her. "It's Christmas Eve, and you're on break! Live a little!"

"Besides, everyone's gonna be there!" Marge said. "You'll see all your friends! Janey, Milhouse, Sherri and Terri..." she chuckled to herself. "Nelson."

"MOOM!" Lisa groaned.

"Can we please hurry this conversation up and get going?!" Bart interrupted. 

The three turned to Homer, who was sitting in the driver's seat of their car, beckoning them over. They walked over, entered their respective seats, and the car drove off.

The vehicle sped down the road, headlights piercing through the darkness like a knife through butter. Snowflakes fell from the sky, landing on the windshield and roof. Homer turned on the windshield wipers to see better. As they drove, the Simpson children glanced out of their windows, gazing out over their surroundings. Every building they passed had a layer of snow on the roof, reminding them of highly detailed cakes with white icing on top. It was a beautiful sight.

Along the way, Marge decided to turn on the radio to listen to some Christmas tunes. A cover of "Jingle Bells" was playing on the chosen station, and Bart immediately began to sing.

"Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg, the Batmobile lost it's wheel, and the Joker-"

"Bart!" Marge shouted. "I thought I told you to stop with those lyrics!" Bart laughed.

Eventually the family reached their destination: Springfield Elementary. The building was covered in lights, and the windows and door were ringed with tinsel. They exited their car and strode up the sidewalk to the door. A man was sitting at a table near the entrance, and they recognized him as the Squeaky-Voiced Teen.

"Names?" he asked.

"Simpson," replied Homer.

The Squeaky-Voiced Teen checked his list. "Go right ahead, sir." he said.

The Simpsons entered the building, instantly heating up from the cold weather outside. They could hear faint music playing from the gym, where the party was taking place. As they entered, they were slightly shocked to see the changes that had been made. The room was full of people, many of them dancing in the center, with a few exceptions standing around chatting or eating food. At one end of the room the floor was slightly elevated, where a DJ was playing music. Lights were flashing, illuminating the room with several different colors.

Instantly Homer ran off to the snack bar to get some food, while Marge headed over to where Reverend and Helen Lovejoy were talking. Bart left to do who knows what, leaving Lisa all alone by the entrance. This wasn't the case for too long, for soon she felt a presence near her, and a hand touched her shoulder.

"Hey, Lisa." a voice said. She jumped slightly and turned. 

"N-Nelson!" she exclaimed, her face turning a slight shade of red. "You scared me!"

Nelson chuckled. "Sorry about that, it's a habit." He glanced around at the gym, taking in the scene. "It's nice what they've done with the place, right?"

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