Silent Killer (Minecraft Murder Mystery)

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I play Minecraft. And on a server, they have a game called Murder Mystery. So I wrote a one-shot about me playing a match of it. Yeah.

Warning: Death...not too bad is a Murder Mystery.

12 people on the map. One is the murderer and one is the sheriff. Everyone else is innocent.  

I am an innocent. It is our job to catch the murderer among us, before he kills us all. 

*click* 3.

I was scared. Only two of the people here had weapons: the murderer and the sheriff. We were to report all of our suspicions to the sheriff, so that when we had a definite suspect, he could shoot them. If he killed an innocent, he would die as well. If he was killed, then whoever found the body took the gun, and became the sheriff.

*click* 2.

But at the same time, I was determined. I will be the one to find the murderer. Every other time, someone else had taken the glory. But this time, I will be the one to report to the sheriff, and cause the villain's downfall. 

*click* 1.

The time had come. Immediately the sheriff ran off, bow in hand, seeming ready to shoot at the first sign of suspicious activity. The rest of us spread out across the mansion.

The building was musty and dirty. Inside, the light from the setting sun shone dimly through the cobwebby, dusty windows. The only sources of light came from torches on the walls, which created eerie shadows on the walls. I strode through the carpeted hallways, reflecting on how long it would have taken to build, and who had lived here, before it became a map. I knew that it had been beautiful, and I'd imagined a rich and elegant family, talking and laughing by the fireplace. It was a nice thought, and it distracted me slightly from my initial nervousness.

My thoughts were interrupted when I ran into something, or someone. After recovering from almost losing my balance, I looked up to see who it was, and realized that it was the sheriff. I saw the gun in his hand, but couldn't see his face, because his back was turned to me. He was looking at something on the floor, and as I followed his gaze, my heart dropped.

The murderer had struck. There were two bodies on the floor, fresh knife wounds on their necks.   The sheriff turned his gaze from them to me.

"You had nothing to do with this, right?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "I was coming from the direction you were. I didn't see anything."

The sheriff sighed, and walked away. Still appalled by the sight of the two now-dead innocents, I stepped over them and ran in the opposite direction.

I saw a blond-haired girl standing in the living room, looking slightly worried. At the sight of me, she nodded.

"Did you see the bodies?" she asked.

"Yeah, just now." I replied. "Did you see anything?"

"No..." she replied slowly. "But I thought I saw that kid over there leaving the hall not that long ago."

She pointed across the room, where a man wearing a black hoodie was standing. I considered this information. Judging by the way he was standing, and his dark and shady clothes, I thought that he did look a little suspicious. 

"Should I go tell the sheriff?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess." the girl replied.

When I looked back to where the hoodie man was standing, I noticed that he had disappeared. Strange, I thought to myself.

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