Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Having had my fair share of experiences with abusive people in my life I think I should know the signs of a person with tendencies sloping toward unsavory behavior. You don’t have to know him or her personally, although in my case I knew every one of them personally.

The internet creates an imaginary shield. Some people think that just because they sit behind a screen and type on a keyboard that somehow they are exempt from their online actions. Yet it is these very same people who have turmoil and issues that should be addressed in real life.

For example, the bully from YouTube turned out to be a thirty-something man from Kentucky or Alabama whose past has been anything but golden. How do I know this? Well, he is related to a very good friend of mine in real life.

Any man who threatens to beat down a woman is not a man but a coward. Any man who calls a woman he hardly knows “trash” is sincerely a pitiful excuse for a human being. He has never talked to me or even tried to get to know me. The same can be said for his entire hypocritical family.

I should have never deleted his comments because I could have them over to the authorities and have him arrested. On YouTube a person makes a video about five minutes long. In some cases it may be shorter or longer, but just in those few minutes a person can base sick delusions around the person in the video. What a person fails to realize is that what you see on camera is not always what happens behind the lens.

In my opinion I think some people just exist to make other miserable. No sooner had I thought this when more details were fed to me from my friends concerning the pious views of these people who clearly do not practice what they preach.

My fingers flew as I typed in my email and password. Scrolling down the long list I stiffened. Ever since I deleted my YouTube account the threats have ceased, but I made another account I plan to use and upload videos on. I just have to be careful because there are real monsters in this world. They look like you and I, but under the human façade is a dangerous mind and intention.

I squinted against the harsh glow of the monitor. More messages from that Zak Bagans look-alike. What the hell should I do? I suppose I better answer him, but I am afraid; afraid of what might be lurking around the corner. Choosing my words carefully I began to type my response. Wish me luck.

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