Business Trip

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Y/N Pov:

My name is Y/N. 

This is my story. . .

The story of how I died.

I never blamed my death on anyone but looking back on it now, it was probably his fault. Still, I don't blame him.

The reason I don't blame him is because the whole situation is complicated. . . and it starts way in the beginning. 

So. . .let's go back to where it all began.

6 years ago:

"Y/N get ready. . .we'll be leaving to the Joestar Mansion in 20 minutes!" Called out William, my father.

I was in my room standing in front of the mirror while the maids helped me get dressed.

 I was wearing a royal blue dress that reached down to my shins, and black running boots per my father's request. He liked picking out my dresses, but he loved my comfort most. He always picked out outfits that he knew I could run around and play in, hence the length and my boots. He had me wear a hat and gloves as well but it was only so that I could seem more lady-like. I didn't mind being dressed by him, I honestly love the attention he gives me.

"I'll be ready soon father!" I responded.

"It's not going to be too soon my dear we still have to do your hair," said my nanny Agatha. 

That's the one thing my father didn't have control over, my hair. I didn't like it when my hair was up, it was always too tight and it hurt when they brushed it. I just prefer it to be down, it was way more comfortable.

"Do we have to?" I complained.

"Don't worry, you're father gave us strict instructions this time, he said to leave it down," she said sitting me down on a stool.

I tried to hide my smile but failed. 

"Don't get used to it, if it weren't for your visit to the Joestar Mansion you'd have your hair up to my liking" she teased, brushing my hair. I felt the tangles pull causing me to make a face and hiss.


The Joestar's were a family friend and my father and George Joestar were business partners.

 We were set on a 3 day trip to their mansion for business. Father was bringing me along because he wanted me to officially meet the newest member of their family, Dio, and because I wanted to hang out with Jonathan, one of my best friends.


"Will you be joining us?" I asked, playing with my locket that mother gave me when I was a child.

"No dear, I have to stay and care for your mother," she said gathering my hair. My mother, Angelina, was very ill. . .the doctors can't figure out what's wrong with her, she's had a high fever for days and not once has it broken. I fear the worst but father tells me to keep my head held high, and that's exactly what I've done.

"I really didn't want to be alone, Agatha," I said looking down, saddened.

"You won't be alone, you're going with your father, and Jonathan's going to be there with you," she pointed out.

"Yeah, but fathers going to be busy with work and Jojo's probably going to hang out with his new friend, Dio, more than me."

"That's nonsense, you know Jonathan would never abandon you like that. . .besides . . .I'll be with you in spirit," she said tying my hair in a half updo, making sure to tie a bow around it with a hair ribbon that matched the color of my dress. She then placed my hat on my head and helped me stand.

"You look beautiful, are you ready?" she asked.

I nodded my head.

I said my goodbye to mother and went down the stairs of our mansion and out the door.

"There's my adorable little doll," said Father holding my hand as I stepped into the carriage.

"How long will we be gone, father?" I asked as he followed behind and sat across from me. I folded my fingers, resting my hands on my lap

"A month," he said.

My mouth dropped, I didn't expect to be gone that long.

"A month?! But-"

"I know it's a while but there are multiple deals we have to close and I thought it'd be nice for us to stay a bit and get to know Dio," he cut me off, "But if that's too long for you and you change your mind about going then you can stay here," he offered.

I respected my father's dedication to work and to get to know the new kid, it's what I most admired about him, but my only concern was about my mother. I knew she'd be without us and she'd probably miss us but as I said my goodbyes to her she told me to have fun and that's exactly what I'll do.

"No, I want to go," I smiled, getting comfortable.

Father smile and nodded, knocking on the small window behind him letting the driver know we were ready to go.

The carriage began to leave the property and our 3-day trip began.

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