Dio's Jealousy

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I forgot the date of when I started writing this but it was literally right after I published the last CHAPTER not update but CHAPTER.

It is currently 12:57 Thursday, March 24, 2022,  now that I published this.

Enjoy My Lovelies <3

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A tonic. . .

It's just a tonic. . .

A tonic. . .

Not poison. . .

It's. Not. Poison.

I smiled to myself and Jonathan explained that it was supposed to go into Mr.Joestars Tea. Mr.Joestar has to take 2 tonics but when he found out that there was a second he had to take, he refused. He thought that it was to drug him and agreed to only take one. Jonathan and Dio talked to the doctor and asked for an unnoticeable tonic to slip into his tea. 

"So. . .Dio's not poisoning your father?" My heartbeat accelerated.

"I still suspect he's up to no good, but. . .as far as I'm concerned, he has nothing to do with it."

Without thinking, I threw my arms around Jonathan. Relief came over me.

Dio was innocent.

Jonathan's arms came around me as tight as mine around him. We took a few deep breaths in as we relaxed in each other's arms. . .we could breathe in peace without having to worry.

I don't know how long we stayed like that. It had been a while though.

"Ahem," Jonathan and I pulled apart a bit as we looked to see Dio standing a few feet from us, watching us as we embraced one another. I instantly felt shame and regret, for doubting his humanity. I thought Dio to be capable of such a traitorous thing when so far he's done nothing to show that he is capable of such a thing.

Instant awareness came across my face as I realized that Jonathan and I were still in each other's arms, we just weren't as pressed together as we were a moment before.

Dio's face told us everything he was feeling.

"Ah, Dio, we were just discussing you," Jonathan pulled away from me and I stepped back.

"Clearly," I could tell if he was being sarcastic.

Dio was. . .jealous? Of Jonathan? 

Maybe because Jonathan's different. I've known Jojo since we were children and it's always been a competition between them, about any and everything. Jonathan and I had a small childhood romance, of course, he feels more insecure about Jonathan than he did about Jacob. This hit close to home for him but  Dio doesn't know Jacob, it's easier to intimidate him than it is to intimidate Jojo.

"Well. . ." Jonathan cleared his throat, "I have to go, I do have a meeting in town today."

Jonathan walked away and left me alone with Dio.

We stand in silence as he stares at me, I look down at my hands. I don't know what to say.

Moments ago I just accused him of being capable of murdering his adopted father and now. . . we're here face to face, right after he caught me with his brother. This is awkward. This is. . .

"Dio. . .we really were just talking," I clarified before I could even stop myself.

"Lady Y/N," he took a few steps to close the big gap between us, "You do not need to explain yourself. . .you have known my brother longer than you have known me," He paused, "I understand if your. . .rejection toward me was caused by your affections towards my brother," he nodded his head, "I apologize for ever crossing that line," he didn't say anything else. Almost like he waited for a response, from me.

But I didn't know what to say. How do I tell him that I have no feelings for his brother and that this really was just a misunderstanding and what Jonathan and I were really doing was plotting how to expose him if he was proven guilty of poisoning his own adopted father? 

I must've taken forever to answer, trying to find my words, because he took one longing look at me, shook his head in agreement of whatever he was telling himself, and turned to walk away. 

I don't know what got over me but I grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a long gentle kiss before I could convince myself not to. I couldn't handle the thought of Dio thinking I rejected him for another, which at the time was true since I was engaged. But I'll be damned if he believes I would reject him now. Im scared of my feelings for him but I won't let that stop me today.

What I was doing was very unladylike and very much against the rules of etiquette. . . I kept my eyes open and watched as he closed his eyes and arched his eyebrows upwards like he was sad, but sadness is far from what he was feeling. He felt a longing that was finally being fulfilled, passion, pleasure, and tranquility.

I wasn't even aware of my wanting for this until our lips touched.

I was surprised by his reaction, even though he had made his intentions very clear that night, part of me hoped he would pull away and tell my father of the act I just committed but he didn't. He pulled me in by my waist while cupping my face with his other hand. The sensation of his lips moving against mine had me gasping into his mouth.

The only other person besides Dio that I have ever kissed was Jacob and it was only that one time for my birthday on my balcony. Jacob never made a move to kiss me since then, at first I thought it was because we had agreed that it meant nothing but I thought that after our engagement he would make more attempts but not once. It's a gentlemanly thing to do, to wait until our wedding, but Jacob has never been one to follow such guidelines.

This kiss. . .is different from our first, obviously different physically. . .but emotionally as well. When we first kissed it was sweet and I felt such attraction and. . .love for him, but now. . .not those emotions I felt as a child,  they affected me more, it hit me harder. Do I love Dio? It should be impossible, I haven't seen him in years?!

I caught myself leaning in as I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him in closer. Both his arms wrapped around me as he held me a few inches from the ground. . .and finally, finally I closed my eyes and explored every inch of his mouth with my tongue as he continued to hold me.

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I KNOW this is short but I wrote this chapter like 14 times just so I could delete it and rewrite it, I really didn't know where/how it was going.

But hopefully, I made up for it with that kiss scene.

I promise Imma start making a schedule for this shit cuzz my current updating schedule (If you could even call it that) is literal shit and I haven't even gotten halfway through my story yet.

Bye, My Lovelies <3

P.S That's my new name for y'all

My Lovelies <3

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