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I woke up to Jonathan letting out the most terrifying shriek, "FATHERRR!"

My eyes immediately widen, the first things I notice;

1) Jacob is holding me, and I'm on the ground again and it is safe to assume I fainted.

2) George Joestar. . .

I almost didn't believe it. George Jostar had a knife through his back. . .and blood.

So much blood.

Jonathan was holding him, keeping him from falling, tears running down his whole face, desperate for anything.

Dio? Where's Dio?

I scan the room feeling enough strength to sit up, slowly but Jacob helps me, probing me up against his chest.

He doesn't answer. I look around for him but he's nowhere to be seen.

3) The guards all had their guns pointed at a shattered window.

Dio? Where's Dio?

"Y/N," Jacob wraps his arms around me tightly resting his head on my shoulder, I feel him breathing heavily against my skin, "I was so worried about you."

I pat his hands as an acknowledgment of my gratitude. He was here comforting me after I fainted, holding me. . .after I was emotionally unfaithful to him. His feelings for me. . they're genuine.

Oh, Jacob. . . .you've always been too good for me. At times it bothered me how you didn't listen. . but you've never been hateful. I'm sorry I took you for granted. All you wanted to do was plan our wedding, and here I was. . running around with Dio.

Dio? Where is Dio?

"Jojo" Mr. Joestar grunts, placing his hand on Jojo's cheek.

"Father. . ." Tears threaten to roll out his cheeks, "This is all my fault" Jojo places his hand over George's, "I should've blocked his knife, the mask, I got distracted and I froze up. . and you paid the price" Jojo says, a sob almost escaping, but he held it in. He didn't want the last moments with his father to be of him crying.

George shook his head. He exposed the ring on his finger, the ring, I believed belonged to his mother. Jojo was immediately emotional at the sight of his mother's ring. George knew he was dying now, that must be why he was giving Jojo the ring.

Tears sting my eyes.

"Damnit, ain't a doctor on death who can fix that," Speedwagon says, spoiling the moment. "How'd that devil get the drop on us?" he continued.

That Devil? Does he mean Dio?

Dio? Where's Dio?

That's when the chief of police spoke up. I believe he knew George personally.

Shocking everyone.

"It's all my fault, if only I hadn't listened to you, Sir Joestar, If I had run his father out of town years ago like I had a mind to. . .none of this would've taken place. . ."

Whose father? Dio's? I thought Dio was an orphan. The Joestars adopted him. I didn't know he had a family before them. Why did he never tell me? He never mentioned it in his letters either—more and more questions come to mind every second.

The Chief continued. . .

"Back when I joined the force, there was an air dweller, who tried to pawn that very ring you now see on Joestars finger. The suspect was Dio's birth father, Dario Brando

George and his late wife had matching rings to celebrate their betrothal. They were so in love. Some time later when Jonathan was just a baby their carriage crashed off a cliff. Jonathan's mother died protecting him.

Dario didn't check the wreckage out to look for survivors. . .no, he did it to loot them, and sell everything, and when George woke up, and assumed he was he to save them. George felt like he owed his life to Dario, that was a mistake.

When Dario was caught and put behind Bars Jonathan told the guards to let him go and gave his own ring to Dario hoping that he would sell it to feed his family and live an honest life.

And when Dario died, he took in Dio as his own."

Jonathan didn't know what to say, he couldn't say anything. He held his bleeding father in his arms.

"Father. . .hang on the doctor's on his way now," he said tears in his eyes.

George struggled to get the words out but he said "Jojo, don't have Dio for what he's done. . . I am to blame for this. . ."

This was all so sad to hear, after everything Dio has done to them he didn't blame him, he didn't want them to blame him even though he was stabbed in the back by him, it brought tears to my eyes. Geroge Jostar was always a good and honest man, it's such a shame that all this had to happen to him.

"I was hard on you because you are a Joestar. . .I went too easy on Dio, and he might have felt I didn't care... Perhaps he did this for want of a father's love . . ." He continued.

George sees the good in everyone, and he has never shown an inch of evil or hatred toward anyone, and the fact that he is choosing to see the good in Dio says a lot. He's compassionate, considerate, and fair.

Dio? Where is Dio?

Geroge faces the window, "Please, see that he's buried next to his father"

I froze. . . I looked around. Dio's not here.

He's not here because. . .he's dead.

I struggle in Jacobs's arms trying to stand up.

"Y/N, don't fight me you're too weak to stand up right now."

Tears shed from my eyes, " He's dead?! He can't be dead, he was just right here?" I sob

My heart beats faster and harder, my breathing hits and I can't hear anything anyone saying anymore. I have to see him, his body, he's outside the window.

I struggle away from Jacob crowing on all fours, rushing to the window, I have to see his body, I will never allow myself to believe this is real until I see him.

I still love him, there's no way that our last encounter was me slapping him. . .yelling at him. . . and he told me he loved me. I didn't believe him. . .I was so angry. . .so blind by rage.

He loved me. He loved me. He loved me.

But now he's. . . gone?

"Noo, nooo, nooooo!" I cry, sobbing harder than I ever have before. I get to the window struggling to pull myself up to see over.

I quickly stop sobbing. I stare. . .in shock

There he is. . .on the cold, hard, and wet ground. . . it's raining and he has the stone mask on. I just saw him experimenting with it just a few days ago. Now that I look back, I think he was distracting me from noticing by telling me how sorry he was for writing me that letter.

Dio is dead.

I slump back down, back against the half wall where the window used to be. . . I'm exhausted.

"Don't blame him either Y/N. . .I know one thing for sure. . . he loved you. When he met you, he was the most interactive he'd ever been." He said and looked back to Jonathan. "Don't be so sad Jojo, where better to die than in the arms of your own son?" George closed his eyes as his hand fell from Jonathan's face, and just like that everyone in the room was silent.

George Jostar is dead.

There was more being said, but I just sat there, leaning- no slouching against the wall, staring at the tiled floor.

Dio is dead. George is dead.

Next to me, I feel someone sit down, and place their hand on mine. I looked up. . it was my father. He had tears rolling down his face, but it was still good to see him, refreshing even. George was his longest friend.

"Father. . ." I face him.

"I'm sorry Y/N" he whispers.

I squeeze his hand in acknowledgment.

I know he's sorry.

"I'm sorry too" I whispered back, laying my head on his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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