The Truth Shall Set You Free

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"It's true." That was all I knew how to say.

"Oh goodness" He flopped down on my vanity chair. He was in. . .distress. He took out his handkerchief and dabbed his sweetbreads away.

He didn't say anything else. He sat there, staring down at the floor. His face was completely blank with shock.

I didn't know how to feel. I've never wanted to disappoint him. . or anyone as a matter.

With my head down and arms crossed I quietly sat on my bed as I waited for him to say something. . . anything else. 

How did he find out? Who told him? Why is he so quiet?

All these questions came running through my head but I didn't wanna say anything. I want him to have his time to process it all, when he's ready, which is hopefully soon, he'll speak and he'll tell me exactly what he's thinking. 

I want him to hug me. To tell me it's alright, that he respects my decision. . . I've never doubted his support, but with something as delicate as this, I don't know what he'll think of this.

He finally clears his throat and my gaze shoots up to him. 

"Why. . .why did you not tell me. . . do you have any idea how awkward it was to have to hear this news from Dio of all people. . .and during dinner too" He's disappointed.

I was now caught off guard. . . Dio told him during dinner that Jacob broke off our engagement. . .

Earlier Jacob POV:

As much as I'd like to skip dinner, I can't. I already skipped Breakfast and lunch. I am growing quite an apatite. 

I know I can't avoid Y/N forever. . . I wish I didn't call off our engagement. . .but it needed to be done. 

I've noticed the way Dio looks at her, with hunger and longing in his eyes, he smiles whenever he looks at her. . . at times I see him just walking around with his stone face and suddenly smiling when there's nothing and no one to smile at, I knew he was thinking of her. I've only just met him and I already know he's so deeply in love with her, it's ridiculous how Y/N "hasn't noticed." What makes things worse. . .she would look at him with just as much intensity. . .I don't think she's even realized how his being near literally made her shiver.

I love her. Absolutely I do, but I love her so much that I could never let her marry me knowing she loves another.  

She stares at Dio the way I wish she would at me, the way I do towards her.

I wish she stared at me like that.

I am a jealous man, but I am not a selfish one. If I was then I do not deserve to be called a man.

I enter the dining room and see only Mr. L/N sitting, at the head of course. I bow my head at him and take a seat.

We didn't wait for long when Dio walked in. . and shortly after so did Y/N, I looked at her and quickly looked away. I had a whole day to think about her, to dream of her, and to just imagine her picking me, choosing me. . .I just know she's not going to. I grieved, I shed tears, and I've coped. . .still coping.

She cleared her throat. . .said she wasn't feeling well and left.

Y/N has never been known for avoiding. . .so I'm a bit surprised that she's choosing now of all times to avoid me. 

Dio cleared his throat and adjusted himself and his surroundings on the table to get comfortable.

"Well. . .I suppose she has looked a bit pale today. . . " Mr. Y/N said. 

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