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Y/N Pov:

I stood outside the door as I watched Jonathan leave to go be with Erina I presume. 

I crossed my arms and sucked my teeth, causing my lips to smack and make a small noise. I hated how he gave me so little attention now, not that I seek it, I just always thought that we'd be friends forever, or maybe in the future, we'd wed once we were old enough. I guess it only takes one girl to change everything.

Once Jonathan was out of my range and I could no longer see him I went back inside. I could've done so many things like draw, write, or even explore the parts of the mansion I haven't uncovered yet but no, instead I went to my chambers grabbed my book, and went to the library to read.

I don't mind reading, sometimes I prefer it over playing with my friends back at home, but today was different. I don't want to read. I've nearly read one page before I i was bored and closed it up and walked back to the front drive. I wanted to do something, not just sit and read, that's all I've been doing since Jonathan chose Erina over me.

I continued walking down the drive with my book in hand, I didn't know where I was going or the town, but I wasn't going to be stuck at the mansion all day.

Dio Pov:

He was leaning against the wall in an ally of the town with a group of his no-good "friends" who he only hung around to spite Jonathan Joestar since they were his friends before he stole them. He watched as people walked by. He really couldn't care less about his friends or what they were talking about. He only had one thing on his mind and that was the mysterious new girl. . .Erina, she's hanging out with Jonathan too much, she needs to stay away from him. He needed all of Jonathan's friends to ditch him. It was all a part of Dio's plan.

His train of thought was broken when he saw a familiar figure walking with the crowd from the corner of his eye, she was holding a very familiar book. A book he only ever saw in one person's hands. . .her lovely soft and gentle hands.

Ever since she touched his hand to get out of the carriage he's been tempted to touch her again. He remembered feeling a shock go through his whole body, he's pretty sure she felt it too but he didn't want to make it a big deal and tried played it off when he first felt it, he hoped she didn't notice him flinch when it struck.

"Y/N," he muttered under his breath.

"What was that Dio?" One of the boys asked.

"Nothing," Dio responded harshly.

He was curious as to why you left the mansion, you had no reason to especially by yourself and your father doesn't want you getting lost or kidnapped, not that it would happen here, this is one of the richest parts of town. . . but it's also one of the easiest to get lost in.

"Hey, isn't that the little lass Joestar was with?" Another one of Dio's minions pointed out.

"Yep that's her, I thought Joestar was pinnin' for her but a better lass caught his eye, he left her," said another.

The group started laughing as Dio rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the wall and walked in the direction you were headed.

"Oi! Dio, where you headed mate?" One called out.

"I'm taking my leave," Dio walked away without looking back. His minions looked at one another confused by Dio's sudden change of attitude but shrugged it off as Dio turned the corner trying to find you again.

Once again, almost immediately he spotted you and rushed to catch up.

"A young lady shouldn't be walking by herself in a crowded town like this," he smirked offering his arm so that you could link it with his as you both continued to walk. 

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