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[This Chapter Is Dedicated to @xiuxyou]

"There he is" Dianna whisper yelled, her eyes following the handsome young lad in one of the library's aisle shelf, Sua pulling the older girl back to avoid getting caught.

"Yeah...." Sua trailed her words, kinda regretting the idea. A few passerby are giving them looks of curiosity, wondering what are such young ladies going around peeking suspiciously. Dianna stole another glance at the man once again before she was forcefully dragged away by Sua as they went on their way to then opposite aisle.

"He's pretty cute honestly. Why didn't you say yes?" Dianna wasted no time and bluntly ask. Sua sighed and try to find the best answer she could think of in her head.

"I don't know how to date properly. And I don't even know him well dude, he's probably dared to confess by his friends."

Plus, it feels too good to be true.

A seemingly decent man trying to be her suitor? An attractive one even!

Sounds suspicious to me.

Why would a handsome, kind, hardworking smart young man like Zhang Zhenyuan would want to chase someone academically crippling, average looking, socially awkward girl like Sua Yang anyways?

There's a bunch on more attractive and smart young ladies in this university, heck the whole world even, yet he decided to choose Sua Yang? Uhm, he's probably too bored. Yes that's it, and he wants to practice! Yes! He's probably inexperienced because he's young, so he's experimenting! Yes!

Zhang Zhenyuan is pretty well known in the university for his athletic performance and amazing scores on his tests. He's also quite good looking, so it's not strange for him to have quite a few admirer here and there right?

Dianna scoffed upon hearing Sua's reply and fold her arms "Oh my goodness.... There goes your chance on getting a decent man" she mumbled. Sua groaned, banging her head on the book shelf, rubbing her face with her palms

"I wasn't planning on dating anyone anyways" Dianna tch-ed and rolled her eyes, Sua peeking on her best friend's expression through her long fringe

"Then you'll be a lonely old hag that people made fun of" Dianna slightly push Sua's head with her index finger. Sua rubbed the spot and pop more candies in her mouth.

Their conversation was cut off when Zhang Zhenyuan picked the books he left on the floor, shoving them into his bag and made his way out of the library. Dianna and Sua quickly tagged along behind him, not without Sua bumping her head into a random stranger's back. Dianna pulled her out before she get to apologize. The librarian give them a look of disapproval for the third time this week, their presence doesn't go unnoticed because the librarian saw how the girls will sneak in suspiciously not too far from Zhenyuan for a few times now.

You may be wondering what the girls are doing peeking on a young man in the library. Aaaand that sounds weird but basically, Sua told Dianna that someone confessed to her, and that someone turned out to be Zhang Zhenyuan, the man they're targeting on just now. Dianna was beyond happy to support the 'relationship' more than anything else.

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