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"Three, two, o-"

"I thought we're counting from one?"

Sua glanced over Zhenyuan before squinting her eye into the the peephole- checking if the girl is still there; and she is indeed

"Are you serious right now?" She chuckled, pushing the boy forward by his shoulders as a sign of telling him to open the door himself.

"Hey! Alex I-" WeiTing's face lit up in excitement at the sight of Zhenyuan with his damp hair, bursting out of the hotel room dragging Sua's wrist in his hand

You can literally see WeiTing's face turned into the opposite of what she had with a slow motion affect. Nobody notice that of course, not with the lightning speed the boy set himself into

"Sorry gotta go!" Zhenyuan yelled back, mixed feelings clashing onto each other at the thought of this idea

Zhenyuan felt guilty for leaving WeiTing just like that, it's not a good thing to do. But she's not someone he's comfortable to be around, so that boosted the thrill for

Sua suggested this by the way; quite unexpected for a timid lady

He actually contemplated whether if he should just stay in the hotel room the whole day or just confront her about it.

But he doesn't feel like doing neither of those because; it's the vacation for goodness sake, it's a once in a while thing. He refuse to lock himself up or made anyone upset; so Sua's plan it is

"Wait!!" WeiTing screamed from behind, trying to chase the both of them, for, whatever reason she set her mind into

This oddly feeld nice; the wind blowing on their way and hands holding onto each other's. The both of them are panting hard already, they could feel their chest aching from the inside with the amount of energy and stamina they've wasted

Please always remember that laughing while running away is never a good idea unless you wanna pass out in the middle of the road. Sure it'll feels nice but it's probably won't be good either.

But that didn't matter at that moment, even if they almost trip onto the brick ground. It's like they rather go through this than to deal with WeiTing in her hot pink bikini

The both of them kept on running to where their feet- well, Zhenyuan's, lead them to. He dragged her all the way to the resort's entrance- and that made Sua come back to her senses

"Wait wait wait!" She stopped on her track, forcing Zhenyuan to do the same "Where are we going?"

A smile formed in his parting lips as he tried to breath "Let's go somewhere fun" he suggested

"But what about our friends?"

"They'll be fine" he assured. The both of them sat on the marble seat and Zhenyuan passing Sua a water bottle from his bag- she didn't even realize he bring that with him just now...

"I heard there's an amusement park around here" He said. Sua proceed on chugging the bottle as if her life depends on it.

"Really?" That seemed to peek her interest.

"And you owe me a date you know" Zhenyuan nonchalantly said. Sua playfully rolled her eyes and shake her head with blushing cheeks.

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