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[This Chapter Is Dedicated To My Baby Maya<3 Also I Suggest You To Listen To SVT's 'Lean On Me' or 'Dance With Me' by Beabadobee While Reading👁️👁️]

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"Don't you dare forget about the Bali trip bij!" Dianna yelled across the screen of her laptop while shoving bunch of papers in her work file before stuffing it into her bag. Karry is seen walking around their living room with apron tied around his torso as he clean their condo

"GIRL I can't even get a blink of sleep because I was so excited for it" Sua replied with the same excitement rushing through her body, goodness their cheeks needed a break from all that smiling for real

Both of the girls heard the familiar notification from Dianna's phone as she checked; it was a notification of her assistant-that Dianna customized herself just for her assistant, by the way. That assistant of hers sometimes give her a headache, so the notification will be her 'brace yourself' sign, just in case

"Oops I gotta go now..." She said with a sense of guilt of having to leave so soon. With the fact that the girls are away from each other now- Dianna is in Australia with her husband aka Karry of course, and Sua is working in Shanghai and is living in a shared apartment with her boyfriend- they had lesser time to spend with each other.

It's inevitable, but they understand. They have this Group chat from their old uni friends, some went inactive because of work or they just forgot about it...

So Dianna made another one that only consist; herself, Sua, XiaoChen, Karry, ZhenYuan and ZiYi. In the new groupchat, 2:00PM will be everyone's 'summoning' time. You know, sometimes when they just stopped sending messages you'll get worried, so you need to summon them to make sure they're still... alive 👁️👁️

They do that like once every two weeks. Dianna, Sua and ZiYi were usually the active members. Karry and ZhenYuan would just read their messages because, their partners would tell them about it later anyways, and as for Ao ZiYi, he's just free anytime when it comes to chatting with the girls, because 'Its fun' he said. He just want to keep up with the latest tea.

XiaoChen is usually busy so he wasn't as active, but he'll reply like two or three days after the summoning time, if he's free maybe he'll read it in a few hours.

Basically eveything has changed. Their carefree days are over, now they're just bunch of adults to try to make the most out of everyday and comeback home exhausted, sometimes hangry. And a good reunion is what they occasionally need. And that explains the Bali trip. That's their next destination for the next reunion

Sua showed a smile of assurance to her best friend before nodding her head "Alright alright. Have a safe trip, Love you!!" Sua yelled back while waving

"Sankq sankq~love you too bij~" Dianna thanked. They pouted to each other before before doing their usual countdown on ending the call together. It's silly and fun fact, none of them are sure who clicked the end call button first

Sua closed her laptop and sighed as she rested her face on the oak table, her right cheeks being sandwiched between the table and her facial structure. She draw small circles on the table while spacing out

"Dianna had meetings again?" ZhenYuan asked as he glanced at his girlfriend before turning his attention back to his paperwork on the dining table, next to where Sua is

"Yepp. Man I miss her already" she sighed again. ZhenYuan heard that of course, it was ridiculously loud. She really missed her tho. Back then the could just meet anytime anywhere since Dianna live in the same dorm building as her. They'll sometimes sneak into each other's dorm to watch movies together in their laptops while snacking. And they'll hide in each other's closets if someone one of the students yelled that the teachers are coming for random spot checks

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