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[Warning: This Chapter May Contain Some Words And Scenes That Are Not Suitable For Some Reader. Read At Your Own Risk And Enjoy👁️👁️]

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"Hey cutie"

Zhenyuan gasped in surprise and quickly turn to the direction of the voice. It's a woman around his age, standing a few feet away from him.

She was checking him out, like an animal targeting it's prey.

He looked around to see if she was talking to anyone else but it seems like they're the only ones in the hallway "Uhh... hello?"

He hesitantly greet back. A flirtatious smile tugging the edge of her lips when she heard his voice; both deep and sweet.

Just the way she like it

"I saw you with your wife this morning" she titled her head, arms behind her back

Zhenyuan blushed when he heard that. He know for a fact that Sua's the only girl he entered the room with this morning and he's not as dense so he knew who she meant by that

"O-oh you mean Sua... She's not my wife ahaha" he denied, tint of redness reaching the peak of his ears

"Really? Yay!" She squealed " Would you like to join me and my friends?" She invited while linking her arms around Zhenyuan's biceps, pulling him away

He tried to reject her offer, but she just forcefully pull him away despite his rejection; feign ignorance.

Little did they know, Chen Sixu was eavesdropping their conversation from the next door

It wasn't intentional. He just happened to hear the both of them talking from outside

Though, Sixu was confused; Zhenyuan's sharing a room with a woman? What does the lady mean by his 'wife'?

. . . .

"CHEERS" they cheered and clanked their glasses together, chugging different kinds of liquids they each ordered.

He Junlin suddenly tapped Yan Haoxiang's arms to catch his attention while trying to gulp down the liquid sliding in his throat. Haoxiang nodded his head in a questioning manner as he too, gulping his drink

Junlin pointed to the direction where Zhenyuan is at; sitting beside a lady he don't recognize "Uhm what is he doing there?" He questioned

Everyone but Chen Sixu on the table turned to the direction Junlin was looking at, all curious to see what he's talking about.

The lady kept on shoving food into Zhenyuan's throat; high pitched giggles surrounding their tables when he almost choked

Sixu peeked at where Sua is, who is now eating her food; looking kinda sour

They soon then turn their attention back to their own meals "He's got a new chick, obvi" Song Yaxuan snickered, shoving the grilled meat into his mouth.

He was nudged on his rib by Liu Yaowen who whispered "shut up dude" to him, signalling to where Sua is.

Almost everyone on the table knew what's going on between the both of them- but nobody knew their progress on the courtship part

It would be a lie to say they're not interested to know. But it wouldn't be right to pester them for that either

"Wow so soon?" Ao Ziyi spoke up this time. He kept on sneaking peeks to the girls around Zhenyuan

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