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< < F l a s h b a c k > >
「 Mid Autumn Festival 」

"Not on my watch pal" Chen Sixu said, pushing Zhenyuan away from Sua. Zhenyuan sighed, trying to stop himself from making a scene. He noticed that Sixu's pretty good at his business butting tactics, but he want absolutely none of it

"Okay I don't know what your problem is but if you don't mind please leave us alone man" he didn't show it on his face but it's pretty obvious that Zhenyuan is getting irritated by the tone of his voice.

"That's exactly my problem. I just can't leave 'you two' alone" Sixu commented, emphasizing the quotes.

"And why is that?" Zhenyuan questioned, raising a brow. A smirk tugging Sixu's lips, enjoying the fact that Zhenyuan's patience thinning

"Because I like her first" Sixu confessed

Zhenyuan had already expected that to be Sixu's answer. And as for Sua, it's safe to say that she haven't process what they're talking about. It's either she's that slow or she's denying whatever's happening

"Well too bad, I made progress before you" Zhenyuan said, not backing out.

"Yeah right, she doesn't even like you. You guys don't know each other well"

"I can easily fix that. All we need is some time to get to know each other before you decided to butt in" Zhenyuan calmly reason out

Sixu scoffed "by trying to kiss her?"

"She didn't refuse either. You stopped us"

"I was saving her from your onion reek breath"

Zhenyuan was taken aback by that childish statement but it's nothing serious so he just had that '?' moment in his head present with the silence

Sua sighed "Alright that's enough for tonight. I'm leaving" and with that, she sprint away from the boys. They called out for her from behind, but they failed to catch up with her as their paths were blocked with a bunch of people passing by

And ever since then, she's been avoiding the both of them in any way possible


Yes again because once again, as always, she doesn't know what to do

< < P r e s e n t > >

Sua sighed as she stack up the remaining boxes in the storage room, wiping the sweat off her forehead with her hoodie's sleeves. Wearing such thick clothing in a very limited and hot space is not the best idea, but it was quite uncalled for when one of Sua's classmates her asked cover their duty up with the reason of emergency

And Sua didn't have any reason to say no- not that she have any reason to say yes either, but it wouldn't hurt to help a friend out. Sua thought that it'll only took her a little time to put the stuffs into the storeroom but oh she was greeted by bunch of materials that needed to be shove in

It's currently 6:57PM, she would have finish her dinner by this time usually. She locked the storeroom and put the key into her pants side pocket, occasionally shoving her hands inside to double check in case the key suddenly disappear.

Ridiculous, but you never know.

Cold sweats covering her whole body as the realization of the fact that she couldn't push the hall door open. She even made sure she pulled the door to both different direction with full force but there's no avail

'oh my goodness no....' she thought in terror. Her knees gone weak as she slid her back at the door, crouching and hugging her knees as she try to collect herself back together.

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