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Sua walked around the hall, minding her own business as she quickly made her way to Dianna's class. She greeted a few familiar seniors on her way here and there. she arrived at Dianna's after a few minutes and everything is pretty normal in the hall before Ding ChengXin saw Sua's figure beside the doorway.

ChengXin sneaked behind Sua, clears his throat loudly and lean on the wall "Sua Yang?" Sua turned around slowly, his sudden approach made her shookt because she doesn't recall knowing this dude personally.

"Uh.... Yeah....?" Sua flashed him her infamous awkward smile, wondering why on earth is this dude talking to her suddenly. ChengXin can't help but laughed at her expression, why does she made it sound like he just approached the wrong person?

Everyone in the university knows who Ding ChengXin is, probably it's because of his looks+ his hardcore admirers, or maybe it's because he would sometimes randomly flash his abs on the basketball court after playing with his friends. That 'cringy' action (to Sua) makes lots of people go nuts. Well whatever the heck he does, everyone- mainly girls, will go crazy over him and his 'charm'.

He seems intimidating to people like Sua, because of the overwhelming attention this man could attract. And meeting lots of human being at once doesn't sound so pleasing to her.

"PFTT are you having a identity crisis or sum?" ChengXin teased, his perfectly lined teeth flashing so


There was a short silence, and Sua's eyes were looking everywhere but ChengXin's. Heck her eyeballs became a professional break dancer it should receive some award. ChengXin really couldn't stand the awkward silence so he clears his dry throat once again and get straight to the point.

"Zhenyuan is going crazy because of you" Sua scoffed in disbelief, the nerve of this man

"Oh goodness... Not this again🙂✋🏻"

"Come on, he's been whining about the fact that you didn't read his messages for almost a week now"
Sua felt like it's pointless to continue this conversation so she figured that it'd be better for her to stay quiet and just silently wish this man will leave already.

ChengXin sighed and mentally facepalm himself because what made him to even think of talking to this socially crippling person 😃✋🏻 "You know, Zhang Zhenyuan is a very honest and kind man, we may look mischievous with each other around but I can assure you that the poor man wants nothing more than to treat you a good meal, so don't be afraid."

Ding ChengXin is just wasting his time, AND Sua's last brain cell energy. She never imagined anyone will approach her and say these kinda stuffs to her, so she didn't have it planned in her head. Girl's tryna mentally prepare herself for anything but this; "Uhm.... I don't know what to say"

ChengXin 'tsk-ed' and eye her up and down before folding his arms and narrowing his gaze "Give me three reason why you don't wanna go out with him"

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