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[Note: This Chapter Focuses On SiXu's Point Of View, Thus This Chapter Will Have Lots Of Different Time Lapse/Skipped Scenes, But There Will Be Specific Details For You To Keep Up. That's all, Enjoy:) ]

< < Chen SiXu's Point Of View > >

Chen SiXu huffed in frustration as he check the clock on his nightstand; 2:43AM, great, just great. He's so gonna get dark circles for the following weeks. It's been days since he had sleepless nights, by the way

He got off his bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face in the sink to 'refresh' his head. But as soon as he closed his eyes, Sua Yang's face popped into the back of his lids, how her eyes would disappear whenever she smiles, and how she'll throw her head back when she laughs

SiXu's groans surprised Lee XiaoChen who was sleeping soundly on his bed. He thought he heard a bear in real life, IN his room, coincidentally he was also dreaming of fighting a bear because, well we'll never know the reason

(Spoiler alert; the bear is Yan HaoXiang. It's probably because HaoXiang always starts beef with him)

XiaoChen blinked and look around to see only the light of the bathroom was turned on, and SiXu walking out right after

"What is up with you man" XiaoChen groggily demanded for an answer. SiXu didn't say anything back but sat on the side of his bed, leaning back "XiaoChen" he called out

"Wtf do you want" you know Lee XiaoChen is totally not in the mood when he doesn't feel guilty when he's being mean to you, keep that in mind. SiXu understand that, but it didn't really matter to him now

"I think I'm in love"

XiaoChen slumped himself on the bed and snuggle closer to his smelly, smelly bolster "I think you should forget about it and focus on your study first instead" he murmured

SiXu also lay back on his bed with his hands on his stomach "I know that. I tried, you know. I am focusing on my studies but...my head just kept on thinking about her. I swear I didn't intentionally do that. Shit I got lots to do too y'know"

"Who is it?" XiaoChen questioned in curiousity.
SiXu felt hesitant to reveal it but, Lee XiaoChen is pretty trustworthy, so it should be fine, right? He didn't want to overthink about it too much "Sua..... I think" so he admitted

It felt weird to say it out loud, but for some reason it felt good at the same time. He wasn't sure if it's safe to reveal his secrets but, letting your feelings out is not always a bad thing to do; so he assured himself

"You think?" XiaoChen raise his brows

"I'm not sure if I really LIKE like her, or she's just annoying but I've been thinking about her a lot..."

"What are you? Five? 'LIKE like'? Seriously?" XiaoChen scoffed and glanced at SiXu on his bed. SiXu looked so out of space, like, his body is there, but his head is somewhere else or something

It sounds kinda creepy but that's how he looks like to XiaoChen apparently "What do you mean you've been thinking about her a lot? I mean you guys meet each other like everyday, I'm surprised you guys aren't bored of each other yet"

There was a short silence surrounding them and XiaoChen thought SiXu fell asleep, so then he prepared himself to bed too but before he could close his eyes, SiXu spoke up again; and man he's getting talkative

"Well, I always...want to know how she's doing, and if she's eating well, if she kept herself warm on cold days. And whenever I look at the colour blue and green I'll thought about her, because that's her favourite colour and, she always twitch her nose whenever she's bored, she tried to stop but it became a habit she said. She loves soup, so I'll share any soup recipes I could find and send it to her, and when she laughs, honestly it sounds hilarious but it's contagious. She'll hum her favourite songs whenever she's doing homeworks, I kept repeating her voice messages when I, miss her ish? And she always sleep on Mr Ao's class, she-"

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