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At last, this story has finally come to an end🥳 This is actually the first ever fan fiction I finished lmao:'D

Back then I'll publish stories and then unpublished them when I'm not satisfied with the results, thus my works are slowly vanishing.

Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed it. I know my writing skills aren't the greatest, but I tried my best and I enjoyed writing it.

Shout out to xiuxyou for supporting me through this story, love you dude<3

Please look forward to my future works! I'm gonna publish another version of my Roy oneshot, hope you'll check that out as well

Follow me on Instagram! @janice294_
Peace out!

Ps, I think I'm attached to SiXu's characteristic in this ff 👁️👁️

Date: 1/02/2022, Tuesday 9:20AM

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