The beginning

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Please excuse any misspellings and\or grammar mistakes I'm sorry I did my best.

It had been two months since Izzy and I've back to the New York Institute. We had gone away to the Florida Institute to help them with their demon problem.

Two months since I've been home.
Two months since I've seen Jace.
One month since my life changed forever.

Walking up the front steps I couldn't help but feel excited. I'm finally home after two months. But part of me had that nagging feeling like everything was gonna go to shit. You know that feeling you get right before the big game or a performance at school, your so excited to go out there and do this but in the back of your mind you can't help but think that everything was gonna go wrong. That's how I feel right now.

When I had first found out I locked myself In My room for two days. Only letting Izzy come in. The only thought going through my head was " I won't even be sixteen until next week how can I be pregnant" after Izzy found out, she freaked and walked out of the room not saying more than Two words to me, coming back a while later with like 30 pregnancy tests.

It wasn't until the 12th one came back positive and I had collapsed in tears did she finally stop, she just sat down next to me and held me for hours. Whispering to me that everything was gonna be okay.

And you know I believed her up until the moment when we walked into the kitchen to find Jace and some girl making-out.

We both stopped and gasped. He must have heard us because he turned and starred in shock.

" Cl-Clary" he chokes out just before I turn and run out, dragging my suitcase behind me. Jace tried to run after me but Izzy stopped him by screaming in his face.

I made it up to my room and locked the door behind me. I already had everything I needed. I just needed to burn everything else so Magnus couldn't track me.

I had finished Jace had gotten up here and was yelling for me to open the door. Quickly before he could try to break the door down I made a portal and jump through. The only thing I was thinking at that moment was " I need to get away from here far away"

It dropped me into a field, I look around and see a large building of the right. I look closely at the stained glass and saw a couple of runes and instantly knew it was an institute.

So I walked up to it. I saw two girls sitting on the front steps.

I walk up to the gate and awkwardly knock on it, both of their head shoot up to look at me.

" Umm Hi, I'm clary I kinda need a place to stay. " I say with a tight smile.

They smile and stand up " Hi I'm Nonie and this is Anna." the shorter of the two girls says" come on we'll take you to the library, mom should be there so you can talk to her" she gestured for me to follow them.

" it's after dinner everyone will probs be their" the other girl- Anna- says

Nonie just pushes her a bit. I smile at their bickering.

" are you two sisters?" I ask trying to distract myself from the last ten minutes

" No we'll be parabatai next month when we turn 12, " Nonie says

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