The Girls

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Chapter 5

Jace's P.O.V

(when they first show up)

Alec and I are sitting in the entryway the next day waiting for Izzy, Simon, and Magnus to get down here so we can leave. I stand in the corner in silence trying to become invisible. Alec's getting a bit impatient.  

"Izzy, Simon, Magnus, Are you ready to go?" Alec yells

" Okay 1 I'm right here and 2 Izzy said she'll be down in a minute," Simon says while coming down the stairs carrying a large backpack.

Izzy finally comes down the stairs carrying two big bags. " Okay ready to go?"

" yeah we've been waiting for you for like ten minutes," Alec says 

" yeah whatever," she replies with a smile 

just as she stops talking the doors open and Magnus walks in.

" stop your bickering, let's go." Magnus says

" where's your stuff?" Simon questions 

" warlock," he says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. " let's go" he continues, opening a portal.

we jump through and land in a library that looks bigger than the one we just left. it is huge, three stories up, windows all along one side.  there is an older woman sitting behind the desk, and two younger girls sitting on some bean bag chairs, one's holding a small cat.

The older woman looks up " Hello you must be the new york city shadowhunters" she says as she looks us all over, she stops on Izzy and smiles 

" yes.. well they are I'm Magnus the warlock." Magnus stepped forward to shake her hand. 

" ahh yes," she walks over to her desk and picks up a phone, types a few things and sets it down.

" I'm Amanda, this is my daughter Nonie, her parabati anna, my husband Larry is in town, he'll be home soon.  The rest of them just got back the mall and will be down here soon."

 " okay well I'm Alec, this is my brother Jace,  my sister Izzy and her boyfriend, Simon"

We sit in silence for a few moments before we hear a yell or two and then thuds.

" When will those girls learn to walk?" Amanda asks no one in particular

Five girls walk in three of them holding little girls. I recognize one of them-clary? She looks really different purple hair, no runes, slightly taller. they set the little girls down. 

"Clary" Simon yells as he runs and hugs her" why didn't you call? Why did you burn your room?

Clary looks over to a short blonde girl on the couch

" She didn't want you to get your warlock friend to track her, " she says calmly

Alec looks over to her" who are you?"

" I'm clary's sister," she says smiling. sister? clary has a sister? I hear two little giggles and see two of the little girls laughing.

Clary looks over to the two and gets a worried look on her face.

"Isadora get down here now," Clary says 

" Isadora Mason get down here now or no movie," she says again 

A  small girl jumped down from one of the rafters nearly missing Magnus and Alec, who both jumped as she landed between them.

" where did she come from?" Alec asks looking a bit confused.

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