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Clary' s P.O.V

A few day's latter I was walking down one of our many hallways, when I payed by the game room. I could here the normal yelling of Michael and Ashton, but something was a little off. I cracked open the door and saw ashton, micheal and ... Jace ? Playing video games.

I quietly watch them for a few moments before turning around, before they notice me.

Finally reaching my destination- the kitchen- I see that it's a mess. I find the culprit- or should I say culprits Luke and Lexi. They haven't seen me so I hide behind the door frame and watch them. If anyone were to see me right now they would think I'm some sort of stalker.

They're staring into each other's eyes and it took all of my self- control to not sqeal like a fang irk when he leans in and kisses her. I feel like I'm invading a personal moment right now so I back away quietly before they notice I'm there. I walk away with a huge smile on my face.

"Mommy mommy " the girls run up to me with Ember close behind them.

" hello sweethearts " I say kneeling down to their level.

"Mommy play game" annalynn says

" what kind of game?" I asks them

" hide-and-seek" Elle and lssadora yell and the same time

I smile " okay you three go hide me and ember will come and find you" I say picking ember off of the ground

" otay" they say and run off

"One...two...three...four" I start counting, ember try's coping what I'm saying but she ends up just giggling to herself.

" ten" I finish counting and open my eyes as I walk off the way the girls ran off. We walk past a little table thing when we hear a giggle.

Ember points towards the table excitedly, so I sat her down and she wobbled over towards the table, she pulls up the blanket thing that's over it.

"Ound oo " she says when's she sees annalynn sitting there.

She laughs and crawls out from under the table

" come on les go find sisters" she says grabbing embers hand

We continue down a different hallway in silence for a while, when we pass a room where I could here two little voices arguing. I peek into the room and see issadora and elle sitting under the bed, glaring at each other.

" this is my hiding spot, I always hide here ." elle says

" well I was here first" issadora retorts

" well we ound bof of you " ember says

" awwww" they says as they get out from under the bed

Ember yawns, I look over to the clock and smile

" girls you guys go play I'm gonna take ember to uncle Alec so she can take a nap." I say

" otay momma" Noelle says running out of the room with her sisters close behind her

" come on sweetheart lets go find your daddy" I say walk gout of the room and towards Alec and magnus's room. I knock on their door and a tired Alec answers. He smiles instantly when he sees ember.

" nap time" she says

He laughs as he took her from my arms and walks over to her little bed/crib thing. I stand in the door way.

" she is the first child I've ever met that loved nap time" I says smiling at them

" she likes her sleep" he says laying her down in her bed.

" I'm gonna go see how dinners going, Lexi and Luke are suppose to be cooking." I say getting a huge smile on my face thinking about them

" are they dating yet?" Alec asked turning around to face me

" I don't know but between you and me I say them kissing in the kitchen earlier " I say

"Really?" He says turning to me

"Yeah " I smile at the thought

He smiles to himself"his plan actually worked" he says in a quiet voice

I guess i looked confused because he continued " Magnus talked to Luke and told him that it would help if he did someone that she enjoyed, Luke's first thought was cooking." He says

" amazing, I knew you guys would help him out a bit" I say

" I'm gonna go see how dinners going " I say walking out

When I reach the kitchen again everything is cleaned and Lexi is sitting on the counter like in front of her, in the middle of what looks like an intense make out session.

I smile " I knew it " I jump along with the two of them as Katrina walks in and yells with a huge smile on her face

The two of them jump apart, their faces extremely red

" actually we all knew it." She says

" knew what? " Luke says

" you two love each other but are both to stubborn to admit it." I say smiling

Calum, Michael, Ashton, and Jace walk and see us Calum smiles the rest of them look really confused.

" okay spill" Ashton says smiling

We all look at them

Lexi sighs

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