New Faces

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Clary's P.O.V

    Lexi sighs and bits her lip, looking uncomfortable.

" well" I say smileing, it finally happened.

I look towards Luke, he looked more nervous than lex "it didn't mean anything, it was just a kiss. And  I don't feel that way about her, why would i?" he says calming his expression to a scowl.


Trina pulls lex out of the room. Were all watching luke with shocked expressions. Its silent for a moment before we all start telling at him, out words blending with each others. I don't Stop until I hear a soft voice

" why are you aw elling?"

I stop instantly, looking towards the four little girls standing in the door. Alec walks over and picks up ember, jace and I close behind, picking up the girls.

"Its okay sweet heart nothing to worry about. why don't we get you guys some food it almost dinner time and you haven't had dinner yet" I say " boys why don't you take him to the library I'll be there in a bit" I say with a fake smile.

They do as I say and a While later were all sitting in the library. I had given the girls a simple dinner and sent then to there room. Lukes sitting on one of the chairs watching the floor. I almost killed him earlier, only being stoped the girls walking in. I would be attacking him now jace didn't have a hold of my hand keeping me next to him.

    I can't believe him, I can't think of anything else. According to Alex, Luke told him and Magnus that he had feelings for her, that he loved her. What the hell pushed him to say something like that?

     Trina came back after she pulled lex out of the room, saying that she had run off somewhere, that she left the institute.

     I continue scowling at him from across the room, we all are. No one speaks. I'm to mad to speak. The only thing keeping me from jumping across this table is jace. Luke would probably be dead if he wasn't here.

" What The hell was that?" Magnus finally speaks."you told me that you loved her. That you were just to nervous to do anything about it. So why the hell would you say something like that?"

    Luke stays silent, pissing me off even more.

"ANSWER HIM" I yell, and try to jump to my feet, keyword try. Jace wraped his arms around my waist and held me in his lap.

Everyone in the room jumps at my outburst.

"I I panicked. I've never had a real relationship with someone I've actually cared about and I panicked." he says

"So you tell everyone it didn't mean anything, that you didn't love her." alec says in disbelieve

" that's what I always did when someone walked in on me with any of the other girls I've ever been with. I panicked and that my go to thing to say in that situation." he looks down" I fucked up"

" yeah you fucked up. You probably just ruined any chance of every being with her. Even if she forgives you I don't think clary and Trina ever will" jace says

I sigh, suddenly exhasted, and lean my head back on Jack's chest.

"Let's just go to bed, it's late we'll deal with the tomorrow when lex comes home." Carle speaks up

"What about lexi?" Simon asks

    "She'll come back when she's ready. She'll be okay" Trina says standing up" I'll call her when I get to my room, I fit think she'll answer but..." she walks out of the room. Everyone else following, going to bed.

   "What if she gets hurt?" I ask jace

   "She wont. I haven't spent a lot of time around her but I know she tough. She'll be okay." he says kissing my forehead, while standing up" you need to get some sleep."

He walks out the door and up to my room."goodnight Clare" he whispers before leaving the room. I almost called him back. To hold me while I slept, but I'm not sure if it was a good idea, so I didn't.

    She'll be okay. She tough. As long as she has her bow she'll be fine.

Lexi's P.O.V


     I sign and bite my lip, feeling uncomfortable under their gaze.

" well" Clare says with a smile

I look towards Luke, he look more nervous than I felt "it didn't mean anything, it was just a kiss. And  I don't feel that way about her, why would i?" he says calming his expression to a scowl.

...what?... But...he said

Trina pulls me out of the room past the shocked faces of our family. I'm numb inside. Why would he say that? Why would he kiss me like that if he didn't feel the same? I can hear Clare and the guys yelling in the distance but I'm to shocked to listen.

" lexi....lexi look at me " Trina says grabing my face" are you okay?" she asks once I meet her gaze.

" i-i don't know" I say and take off in the other direction, toward the front. Katrina yells after me to stop and come back but I don't listen. I only slow down  once I reach the front and get outside, stating at The ground as I walk out The gates. I know I should have told someone I was leaving or at least brought my bow but I was kinda in a hurry. I keep walking for a while not paying attention to where I'm going.

" oh well would you look at this" The voice says smoothly. " little miss ashdown. Now why would you be out here all alone"

I look up reaching for my bow before remembering I didn't bring it. " what do you want?"

"Oh darling have they taught you nothing you know you're not supposed to go anywhere without a weapon" he says with a smile " lucky me"

I step back "you'll be easy to capture without your precious bow"he says creeping forward.

I slowly walk backwards "just leave me alone, asshat" I say. I continue walking backwards until I hit somthing, arms instantly wraping around my waist and mouth. I twist trying to free myself.

"Oh darling you won't be able to get away from him." he says " max here is one of the strongest lycans I've meet"

I try to scream past the hand on my mouth, and continue twisting, kicking at The man holding me. I feel a tight pinch on my neck, and go weak, feeling tired.

"Sleep darling you're gonna need it" I hear his whispers as everything goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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