Vampire Knights episode 10

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"I am in charge, you have to listen to me. I will not be bossy, I will not be angry, please listen to me I have a lot to say. One night was walking through a forest, a squirrel attacked my senses and I picked it up. I spared the life of innocent and yet regret it ever since. From this moment on, I see things in different perspective and when another squirrel crosses my path, I let it pass with my eyes red." Read Aido from his own mind.

"Does that sound in any way true to you my dear cousin?" Asked Akatsuki Kain.

"Yes, it does, but sometimes I wonder how the mind of the other person works. If I concentrate too hard, I can spook, but if I take one step back, then everything becomes more clearer. It is better not to listen to other people's thought, intrusion is not part of me. Besides, I wish to stay faithful to Kaname Kuran. If you have objections, let's hear them." Suggested Aido standing in the kitchen trying to reason make a point.

"(to Aido) Ok, I agree with you. (to Ruka) Do you agree with Hanabusa Aido?" Asked Akatsuki moving closer to Ruka. She knodded her head and sat down beside Akatsuki Kain.

Ruka POV:

Who's side to take, Akatsuki woke up with me this morning, I was glowing and he was so wonderful today. I like being by his side, because he appreciates my beauty and its me who need to appreciate him more. To see him more for what he is. This morning, he lay beside me all the way till we both woke up smiling in each others faces. I kissed him and he kissed me back, hum. I can look at him all day, his hair is so shiny, bright and all over the place. The thing that turns me on about him is when he is confused he leaves his hand in his hair.

We are sitting in the game room where we hid, not sure why? We already played most of the games and about to stand up and walk.

"Aido, do you miss Shiki and Rima? I know I do, I did not say anything before and now..." Wondered off Ruka with her words in a dreamy way entwining her hand around Akatsuki.

"Yes I do, every day and every second. Come, we can take a walk around this house. Can I ask you something too?" Asked Aido walking ahead looking in front of him.

"Yes, you can. Ask me Aido?" Said Ruka, bring her hand to slide into Akatsuki's hand. Akatsuki responded with a tight hold and a kiss on the cheek.

"I always wanted to ask you this, wasn't sure how you will react to this question. If open a box full of candy, look deep inside and search hard enough to find a price inside. I tried to open the mind of Kaname, not literally, but to understand his thoughts. The box candy I looked in was closed, his mind blocked my entrance and I was left outside of it."

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, wow Aido. I must say that you are something special." Replied Ruka reaching with her hand to Aido and patting him on the back.

"Akatsuki, what say you we make something special for Aido? I was thinking something special. Aido, can you excuse us for a moment? I honestly will include you in our conversation.

"Agreed, by if you delay, I shall come to check on you." Replied Aido smiling and walking straight.

Akatsuki Kain POV:

We went into the kitchen, deciding on making something special for my cousin Aido. He has been very good lately and we want to thank him. This note explains everything....

'Dear Aido,

We wish you a merry special day of awesomeness. On this day you can do anything, create any ice sculpture that comes to mind. We also kiss you on both cheeks to thank you for your generosity in Kuran Mansion. Suprise for you, we bring to you. Please eat it all. It will make you strong.'

Ruka and Akatsuki Kain!

"AIDO?" Chanted Akatsuki and Ruka together.


Aido POV:

I walked into the the kitchen of Kuran Mansion, on the table awaited for me with a note a huge something. I picked up the note and began reading.....

'Dear Aido,

We wish you a merry special day of awesomeness. On this day you can do anything, create any ice sculpture that comes to mind. We also kiss you on both cheeks to thank you for your generousity in Kuran Mansion. Surprise for you, we bring to you. Please eat it all. It will make you strong.'

Ruka and Akatsuki Kain!

Tear! Tear! Tear! Tears sprinkled from eyes, when I was eyeing the note, the huge special surprise and Akatsuki and Ruka at the same time. Speechless! Speechless! Speechless! Tears all around my shirt, my eyes and face. Please, I did nothing wrong, I did everything wright; why do I feel as a huge weight fell from my shoulders. Tears! Speechless! All I could express right now.

Ichiro POV:

The day was fun so very fun, with different experiences and wonders. I have learned so much, yet one thing still in question. How is he? Will he accept me? Distance, kilometers, inches, centimeters. Measurements of time, love, friendship and mind. I want our paths to meet. I want us to be one again to be together. Grand this and everything is possible. I~Vampire Knight to be, will succeed.

Frightened in my own way, I come back with Nita and Ichijo by my side. The car is moving through the open highway road. It won't be long till we arrive. Kaname, he is a wonder to us all. He sees things the way no one ever sees. He sprinkles love all around to be sure that everyone and everything is protected. On his lap, sitting so innocently is a letter. A letter that he took out during the come back. It was a battle inside his heart, but it was pure, so pure and full of love, life and need.

I envy him in many ways, looking at him at this very moment. I keep my side to him. I want us to be friends as we will be. Yuki is something different in her own perspective. Happy all the time, always smiling to cheer herself and others up. Are those tears in her eyes? Depending on the situation they always might be. Look around and tell me what you see. I speak so broad, so openly. One question, only one and then I can.

"Haruka Sempai?" Ichiro asked.

The question came in such surprise, everyone turned.

"Haruka Sempai?" Ichiro asked once more looking at the figure in front of him.

"Yes Ichiro Kiriy. What can I do for you?" Replied the voice of Haruka Kuran.

"I will not wonder, nor will I ask how, when and what time. I want to know, I just want to know the meaning of your presence here?" Said Ichiro in his normal tone, not a single movement from his side, but slight change in his eyes.

"A shame is sinful matter for a man like me, a matter that could not be solved in one sweet morning light. I take the hand of many to let them know that I am there, I am there because they need me dearly. I might speak fast, I might make no sense, but I mean it when I say I want my family back. I want my son Kaname be a strong man, be a role model and be on his guard at all time. I want Yuki to be the woman of her choice. To be whoever she ever wants to be. Can this be changed? Can I, Haruka Sama be blamed for my mistakes? I have no shame, because it all dissolves away." Explained Haruka extending his hand to Ichiro.

"I bow." Replied Ichiru and shook the hand of Haruka Kuran.

Ichijo POV:

We choose, we comprehend, we understand and we cherish every moment of his journey to the time when sun comes up and we can be safe in bed. On the horizon, the lights are brightly deemed, the front gates are widely open as we enter inside. Mansion Kuran or Kuran Mansion. We step on to steps, we glide through the open doors as they close behind us. Each one in their own room, calmly sleeping as the dawn descends and early, early morning comes through distant curtain light. Goodnight!!!

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