Vampire Knights episode 5

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Ichijo POV:

Today is the day we get to meet someone special, Kaname told us this morning. Since we all are sleeping at the moment and only I am awake, I was the first one to meet her last night. She takes care of Ichiro, Zero's brother. He was brought here by Nita on Kaname Kuran orders. After Ichiro nearly killed his brother with his gun and left him alive, Ichiro decided to make friends with Kaname Kuran.

Kaname Kuran found out that Ichiro needed blood to survive, but because Zero did not agree to it, Ichiro decided to hide from him. Kaname took him into his home and found Nita to take care of him. Kaname Kuran told me he found Nita at the far away land. She lived alone and she has other name, but does not want to say it. She met Kaname at the Academy Cross and will be coming back with us next semester. 

Ichiro was the first one to find her there wondering around and looking for someone to take care of. She noticed sick Ichiro and took him in her care ever since, then she found Zero and the rest of night class vampires. She is the best thing that's ever happen to us and tonight we'll be spending time with her, how exciting. The best part is that we all get to be her adopting vampire children. It's amazing how well, she takes care of us and feeds us blood and normal food. She did such a good job with Ichiro that Zero is jealous and hates the idea of sharing. Now Zero is still at the Academy and we are all at the Kuran Estate Mansion.

"Ichijo, you are awake, aren't you supposed to be sleeping this morning?" Asked Nita noticing Inchijo outside in the shade.

"Yes, but I like to stay awake sometimes and see the sun and morning and flowers and everything blossoming. I also like to read in the morning at the natural sunlight, but more better than the lap light. How is Ichiro doing, I hear he is very sick, what does he have?" Asked Ichijo concerned.

"He does not have enough vampire blood in his system, plus his human blood is more active at the moment and poisened. Kaname gave me the alalysis when he tasted his blood. I want Kaname to bring Zero here, to agree on the blood transplant. If Ichiro does not get enough vampire blood, he could not survive with his illness." Worried Nita nearly crying her eyes out from such sorrow.

"That sounds serious, how about I go with Kaname Kuran to bring Zero here for the sake of his brother. He has to agree and make a pact with Kaname and Yuki. We will go immediately." Suggested Ichijo placing his hand on Nita's shoulder.

"That would be wonderful, if you do this for me? I would be very happy. Talk to Kaname Kuran and be on your way tomorrow. Will you?" Asked Nita smiling.

"Yes and will return to you. I have a confession to make. I suddenly feel for you and want to be close to you. If I do this, will you be my girl? my mate? and my love?" Asked Ichiro with loving eyes.

"Oh wow Ichijo, this is a big step to be your mate. Let me think about it. I will give you an answer tomorrow when you come back. Will that be alright?" Smiled Nita kissing Ichijo on the cheek.

"I agree." He replied and walked back inside to his room. He undressed, put his clothes neatly on the chair and layed down closing his eyes.

Nita POV:

That was unexpected from the vice-president Ichijo. He seem so nice and ordely. He is very cute, sexy and adorable. Always keeps himself well dressed and fashioned. I do like him the most and what could heart to be so close to him. I decided to make him happy and sneak into his room, without him knowing. Of course he knew it was me, because we just finished talking. I undressed, put on my PJ and cuddled to his side.

I began massaging his chest as he smiled genly moaning in delight and pleasure. He reacted quickly and hugged me close to his side kissing my head. With his eyes closed and his smiling features he held me close to his chest and stroked my back with gentle movements. We both fell asleep in the gentle touch of each other, while carasing each other in tender motions.

"I like you too Ichijo, you are such a lovely young man. Your hair is always sunny and bright, you always smile, you know how to use to the sword and I can't get enough enough of your hotness. Listen, don't tell this to anyone, even Kaname Kuran, I do like you, very much. I agree to be your mate. Let's be together." Whispered Nita in Ichijo's ear smiling. 

He opened his eyes, turned to Nita and began kissing her passionately on the lips. With a soft touch he caressed her body touching her everywhere he liked and enjoying her fully. She was responding to him easily, even letting him bite her slightly. That was the moment he claimed Nita to him and made her his mate. It was their secret.

"I am so happy for use to be mates, I never had a mate before, you are my first. Maybe after spending much time together we can be engaged and mate for life. What do you think, would you like that?" Excitingly asked Ichijo smiling and kissing Nita on the lips and neck.

"Yes Ichijo, I would love that. We should tell everyone." Worried Nita leaning on Ichijo's exposed chest.

"Let's wait till the ceremony and see how people react to other dating. They will be the first to know once we settled down. Let's sleep now and rest. It's still morning and I need to be fresh for the evening. We are all meeting someone important today." Answered Ichijo and fell asleep instantly pulling Nita to his side very very close. 

Nita pulled herself to Ichijo's chest once again and fell asleep on it. Together they dreamed of each other being together forever. The rest of the house stayed silent and calm during the day and nothing disturbed sleeping vampires in the house. 

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