Vampire Knights episode 9

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I could choose any place I want to go to, it can be carnival fair, it can be playing catch and it can be tag. I picked Ferris wheel. Haruka father came up with me, Nita stayed with Kaname, while Ichiro and Ichijo climbed into their seats. The Ferris went up, circling around, around and around. I laughed withed the most hardest laugh, the most joyous and the most awesome laugh. Haruka father was beside me, holding me, supporting me like a real father should. He even cried, the tears came instantly without delay. I laughed holding his hand, stroking it so gently trying to calm him down, he did.

Can you imagine an image of a boy, a boy who has been rejoiced by the new role model beside him. Ichijo and Ichiro sat beside each other watching all the rides go up, down and sideway. Ichiro was happy, he was watching the scenery from above; north, east, south and west. He was beyond happy and Ichiro smiled every time he saw sparkle in those wondering eyes.

"Kaname, Kaname." Yuki called from the top seat of the ferris.

"Yes Yuki, I can hear you very clearly." Responded Kaname smiling.

"What do you see?" Yuki asked pointing at the roller coaster.

"I~See~You. I see father, I see vice-president Ichijo and his son Ichiro" Replied Kaname still smiling.

"Can you tell me one thing, Where do we come from?" Yuki asked, with surprise in her eyes.

"We come from a a Pure blood Clan Kuran, the most powerful vampire leaders. We are here to save it all, please tell me something?" Aknoleged Kaname in a deep thought.

"Yes my love, two words~Maple-Cyrup, Canada." Laughed Yuki, smiling wider, wider and extremely wildly, it was almost painful to watch.

"You always make me speechless. How can I compete with your beautiful dialect? I have two words for you too: Capitol Hill~Library of Congress."

"You win. Thank you for this. (to father) let's come down."


"I want to thank you. I want to thank you for this wonderful day that, brought such happiness to my dear son Ichiro. He is grateful to you and he is grateful to Ichijo, who stayed by his side every moment. Stolen moment here, stolen, because we are all here, yet some of us have to face consequences. Do you wish to come back to Academy Cross?"

Don't hide it Kaname, u know the answer to that question.

"If I say yes, wil it change anything? If I say maybe it can make a difference! What if I say no or nor? That would put me into middle of the maze. Can you tell me why? I am so confused in my own mind, in my own thoughts and thoughts of others. I want to stay, I want to wish upon a star and say word: 'Where you are'."


One time, One Love, One heart. Sitting on the chair, chair is firmly attached to the floor, cherry plum walls, burgandy ride and chest nut drangon in front of me. The ride was inches long, inches hight and inches off the ground. Just like waterfall it sprincled down the slope of running water. Going down already in the vertical limit speed and splashing the nature beside us, we plunge onto the soft water below; going straight into the washing maching twirl. Round, round, round it goes, till tunnel comes and we enter inside it. Beautiful caves sorround us, pirates on each and every corner saying; 'Arrrr, Ahoy Matey, Ahoy.' Screaming rush of the water takes us forward through the pirate tunnel, speeding up to 80km/h, the ride continues going up the slope of the water rushing up, up it takes us vertical speed to the top. We make a solide turn into the parking area of the ride and there it is that dragon again. To expalin: The Dragon was the front of the ride, its tail is nice and long and the colour of the dragon is chestnut cherry. 'Beautiful, you should try it'.

Speechless POV:


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