Vampire Knights episode 8

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Nita POV:

I was the only one awake this morning, Ichiro slept in my arms even though he was a big boy. He was cuddling in my arms looking so cute and comfortable in his pjs. Ichijo is sleeping too beside me with his head in my lap and its very sweet watching them both. I did not want to move and hunger did not even start to ster in my stomach yet. I did read a book though while, holding Ichiro in my arms. The books I borrowed from the Kuran Library located on whole third level.

"Good Morning Beautiful, I see you can't sleep. Anything I can do?" Asked Ichijo lifting his head from Nita's lap, smiling.

"Everything is alright Ichijo, I was reading and dreaming at the same time. Yesterday I saw Isabella leave the Kuran Mansion. Do you know why?" Nita asked closing her book.

"Isabella decided to change her path and let someone else to take of us. I have spoken to Kaname and I am not sure if I should be telling you this, but he would like you to be our mother. I mean, mother to everyone except me, because I choose you as my mate." Declaired Ichijo with a bit of a worry in his eyes.

Nita POV:

I was speechless. I could not say a single wold to Ichijo. How could I? This family means a lot to me and I don't this I have ever received a greater honor from Kaname Kuran himself. How wonderful.

"I say yes. I say why not. I say with pleasure, from the bottom of my heart. It will mean a world to me and to everybody else. I have to make an annoucement." Nervously replied Nita shirting slightly then remembering Ichiro in her arms.

"There's a microphone in the music room." Suggested Ichijo smiling kissing Nita's hand.

"You're sneaky. I will wait till Ichiro wake up and then annouce it." Replied Nita.

Ichijo POV:

I kissed Nita on the forehead, then on the lips and decided to take this morning to make an important phone call right from their room. It has has been too long since I saw Kiriy Zero. Maybe if I wait long enough, he will come to me in his sleep or meditate. I sat on the lay back down on the bed and let Nita stroke my hair, it felt good and it put me to sleep instantly.

With my eyes closed, I can see Kiriy Zero appearing from some kind of a gloom, he is sitting on the roof. The same roof where Kaname awakened Yuki. He surprisingly looked very healthy and very strong. His Bloody Mary Gun was tucked inside his jacket and he sat on what looked like a chair. I wanted to say something to him, but he spoke for me.

"I know what you want to ask me Ichijo Sempai. Before school starts, once you all come back here to Cross Academy for your second semester. I will give my word to let Ichiro have the blood of the pureone. The one blood he needs to live fully as a vampire knight. Give my message to Kaname Kuran vice-president Ichijo. I can't wait till you all get here." Spoke Kiriy Zero.

"Y--Yes Kiriy Zero, I will pass on your message to President Kaname Kuran, but I must say that you shall go and face the Senate. They might be able to drop the false statement. You know, who killsed Shezuka and its even dangerous to say then to think about it. Please, go to the Senate and bring news to Yuki Kuran." Pleaded Ichijo nearly crying.

"I will do everything in my power to drop down my sentense. Thank you for support vice-president Ichijo. Your grandfather would have been proud of you. I spoke out of line, forgive me. I must go." Said Kiriy Zero already hiding himself from the gloom and fully disappearing into a fog.

Haruka POV:

I was greaful for this wonderful morning. My family was back together and the hosue we lived in is now once again glowing like it should be. I am also happy that Kaname was generous enough to let Nita and Ichiro join us here, although Kiriy Zero was not so welcome here. They all respect him and maybe I should do. Tonight I will spend time with my children and take them to places they were when they were little. Yuki will be overjoyed and Kaname will thanks me and forgive me.

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