The Beginning

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Sixteen years ago

Shota Aizawa sat in his bathroom with his knees pulled up to his chest. He'd set a timer on his phone closing his eyes and leaning his head against the wall.

"Stupid, StupidI'm such an idiot."

Hizashi Yamada had asked to court Shota a few months ago and they couldn't have been happier. Until Hizashi was being typical Hizashi and forgot that his rut was coming.

Shota was brought from his thoughts as the timer went off. He was hoping he was just paranoid and that this would all be over soon.

However, luck was not on his side seeing as he looked at the positive male omega pregnancy test. He stared at it for a while until his mom's voice rang through his head.

"Shota! I'm home!"

He wiped his eyes and put the test in his pocket as he walked out to greet her.

"Hey, sweetie." She said smiling at him before seeing his face. "What's wrong? Did you and Hizashi have a fight?"

He sniffled and shook his head looking at his feet before taking out the test and handing it to her. "'Zashi and Iwe did something stupid."

She looked at him before looking down at the test. She went between the two for a minute before she spoke. "Shotawhen?"

"Two months ago. I thought we were careful, I made sure we used protection it only happened once. He forgot about his rut and by the time we knew what was happening it was too late." He said as he moved to sit down wrapping his arms around himself. "I dont know what to do."

His mom set the test down before sitting next to him and wrapping his arms around him gently. "Shh, shhit'll all be okay we'll figure this out."

"I'm not going to get rid of the baby, but I can't take care of a pup and neither can Hizashi." Shota said leaning into his mother's embrace.

She let out a calming scent to try and calm her anxious son. "Have you told anyone else about this?"

"No, and I'm not going to the more people that know the harder it's gonna be." He said sitting up a little.

"You haven't even talked to him about it?"

"I can't, he'll just try and get me to keep the baby and I can't do that. We both have school, you're working, and I don't even want to think of this child in the hands of Hizashi's parents." He said rambling listing off everything.

"Shota, I know you're worried, but have you thought this through?" She asked wanting to be sure he wasn't making a rash decision.

"As much as I want this child and to have a family with Hizashi we can't give this kid the life it deserves. This will ruin all his plans for the future, and I can't let that happen. It's best if I give the baby up for adoption."

Rini looked at her son and sighed before she stood in front of him. "Okay, I'll stand by you if that's what you want. You won't be able to hide it much longer though."

"I don't think anyones noticed a change in my scent or anything if I'm already two months in that means I only have about two months left. So, I can just go visit some family or something until the baby's born." He said rambling again.

"You could stay with your cousins, I'm sure they'd help you and they'd love to visit with you. Although you'll have to go soon before people start to notice if this is what you really want."

"I know, I changed my body soap a little while ago, so I think they thought that was the reason for it." He said as he started fidgeting with his hands.

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