Plans for Saturday

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Izuku was in his room sitting at his desk trying to find the words to express how sorry he was. He tapped his pencil against the desk before he started writing.

Dear Katsuki,

My darling omega. I am so very sorry that I have neglected you this past month. I went out today and bought you a few things to start making up for being a bad alpha to you. With this letter comes a teddy bear with your favorite shirt of mine. It also has a bracelet that I would like you to wear if you decide to accompany me on Saturday. I'll plan everything and get it all set up. Meet me at our spot at six and wear something nice if you decide to show up. I'll be waiting.

Yours forever and always

Izuku Midoriya

Izuku smiled at the letter as he folded it up putting it with the bear and wrapping the bracelet around it. He smiled and scented the bear a little before taking it to Katsuki's room.

He smiled and set it on his bed then walked back to his room. He only had two days to plan this seeing as it was Thursday. He called his mom and asked her if they still had the fairy lights.

He explained what happened between him and Katsuki and she sighed shaking her head as she went to go look for them.


Shinso was sitting on his bed looking at his necklace trying to figure out what the cat and headphones symbolized. He had a wall dedicated to leads he got on who his parents might be.

He sighed as he looked over at the wall knowing it needed to be updated. He was brought from his thoughts when there was a knock on his door.

He walked over and answered it seeing Kaminari. "Hey, come on in." He said opening the door making sure no one else saw them.

"Wow your rooms pretty cool." He said looking around before seeing his little music set up. "Dude I didn't know you wrote music."

"I got into it when I first started looking for my parents. Or parent really. I was thinking that maybe my maternal parent liked cat music or something." He said sitting on his bed.

"There's not much about cat music out there." Denki said looking around. "I brought my laptop too." He said pointing to it in his arms.

"I haven't taken this off in years. Once I was able to wear it without it being too big I never took it off." He said fidgeting with it.

"You don't have to rush this it won't leave this room and you'll get it back before I leave." Denki reassured sitting on the floor opening his laptop.

"Why are you helping me?" Shinso asked looking at him, it was the one question that kept running through his head. "I'm just some omega that you met a few days ago. You don't have to help me you don't even have to be near me."

"I want to help you though; I can't help that I like you." He said as he started typing on his laptop.

Shinso blushed lightly before he fiddled with his necklace taking it off. He looked at it before handing it to Denki. "Here."

"You sure?" He asked before he touched it.

"Yeah, I trust you. I don't know why but I do." He said chuckling.

He laid down on his bed looking at Denki as he took the necklace looking at it. He pulled a thing out of his pocket to get a closer look at the charms. "I thought they looked familiar." Denki mumbled as he kept hold of the necklace and typed on his computer again.

"You've seen them before?" Shinso asked sitting up.

"Not this one specifically but a similar pair to it. There's this really amazing jeweler, that made a bunch like these. They were really good quality for a really low price too."

"I never thought you'd be into jewelry." Shinso said rolling onto his back.

"When it's the only way you can spend time with your parents you learn a thing or two." He said smiling up at him looking back at the computer screen.

"So, what was so special about this jeweler anyway?"

"What made his jewelry so special was his quirk. It gave him the ability to create anything really. He did rings, and necklaces bracelets even. Anything you could think of really." Denki said as he looked at the pair of headphones.

"So, his quirk made him able to create jewelry?" Shinso asked not seeing how that was supposed to be anything special.

"No, he had to learn how to do that himself. Yet when he started making things all the time he focused on sets. He actually made some for pro heroes. Look here." Denki said turning the computer so he could see it.

"This is one of the first things he made." Denki said pointing to the screen. It showed a picture of a ring with a cherry blossom tree on it in the shape of a heart.

"They're pretty but I dont see how its anything special." He said as he started looking through others.

"It's not the jewelry specifically but how it was made. His quirk gave him an idea of what to create. I guess you could say it was like a seer or something like that. So, he got a vision or sometimes he'd draw it out then he'd make it. When he did that they were usually destined for someone." He said taking the computer back.

"Okay, I mean that is kinda impressive. So, he made my necklace?"

"Yeah, he most likely made two others as well. One has the cat the other has headphones. It's a family set." Denki said as he looked at the picture.

"So, seeing as my parents said that my maternal parent gave me this that would mean that they both have one." He said as he got up and walked to his wall rearranging somethings.

"He sold stuff in store and online." Denki mumbled as he kept looking through the website. "On his website he has old sales archived. Here, it says that he sold it a day after making it. The transaction was in cash so there's no trail to find it."

"Can you find out where the store is?" Shinso asked looking to him.

"I don't have to. I already know where it is." He said closing his laptop.

"You didn't start with that?" Shinso asked crossing his arms.

"Well, I didn't know that it was him. But yeah we can go Saturday." Denki said setting his computer aside and standing up.

"That sounds good. Then we don't have to worry about school." Shinso said as Denki remembered he had the necklace.

"Oh, here." He said adjusting the necklace in his hands. "I'll help you." He said walking up to the taller male.

Shinso turned around blushing as his hair had started to fall around his shoulders. He moved it out of the way letting him fasten the necklace.

"There, back where it belongs." Denki said letting his hands linger before pulling them away as he reined in his alpha.

"Thank you." Shinso said turning around to face him seeing how close they were as they both jumped back.

"UhYou're welcome. I should uhI should go." Denki said as he bent down to pick up his laptop.

"Oh uhyeah so Saturday?" Shinso asked not looking at him. "Also, I know this is probably gonna make me sound like a jerk, but can you not mention this to anyone?"

"It's fine, it'll be our little secret. This is also your secret so you can shut me out whenever you want." Denki said smiling at him.

Shinso laughed and walked towards the door. "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

Denki chuckled and they said their goodbyes. "Saturday, it's a date." Denki said winking before turning on his heel and walking away.

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