Seeing The Pup

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Present day

Aizawa groaned as he looked over the essays he was grading. "Kaminari, don't ask Kirishima for help. Go to like Iida or Midoriya." He grumbled setting the paper aside.

He laid his head down and sighed before he suddenly got sick and tossed his breakfast into his trash can. He sighed and got up shuffling to the bathroom.

As he walked down the hallway someone walked up next to him before wrapping their arms around him making him yelp.

"Hey, babe." Hizashi said kissing his cheek.

"Mic." Aizawa said as he looked around making sure none of the students were around.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just not feeling that good I guess." He said turning to look at his husband. "Also, you know how I feel about PDA at school."

"I know but when your husband looks and smells as good as you do, you can't blame me for wanting to be close to you." He said smiling as he looked down at him. "Speaking of which did you change your shampoo or something? Or is it a new cologne?"

"No, it's been the same for years, plus you would know we live in the same house, idiot. Are you going into rut?" Aizawa asked pulling back.

"No that's not for another month are you going into heat? Your scent is different." Hizashi asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'm not." He said rolling his eyes as he continued to walk.

"Well whatever it is I like it." Hizashi said walking with him. "So where are you headed?"

"Bathroom, then I gotta clean out my trashcan because I tossed my breakfast." He said rubbing his face.

Hizashi whimpered at that as he looked at his mate. "Shota, are you okay? Are you sick?" He asked feeling his forehead.

"'Zashi, I'm fine. It was just one time I feel better already." Shota said shaking his head.

"Are you sure? Because if you want I can talk to Nezu and Midnight can cover your class for the rest of the day." He said fidgeting with his hands. Which is a nervous habit he picked up when they were younger.

"No, I'm fine besides we're supposed to get a new student today so I wouldn't leave anyway." He said as they got to the bathroom.

"If you're sick you should go home and rest." He said pouting.

"I'll go home after school and rest then." He said rolling his eyes as they walked to the teacher's lounge.

"I don't get it; how can you keep up with a relationship and still be a teacher plus with all the news interviews you do?" Midnight said looking across the table at Toshinori.

"It's simple, we make it work. Yeah it's hard at times but we both understand why. When we have a problem, we talk about it." Toshi said taking a sip of coffee.

"What are you talking about?" Mic asked looking at them.

"Nemuri here was wondering how I can stay in a relationship for as long as I have seeing as hers don't last longer than a month."

"I haven't had a meaningful relationship since high school when Tensei and I were together." She said laying her head on the table. "How have you and Aizawa lasted so long?"

"That's easy, we don't have secrets from each other. I also make sure to show him affection all the time. Which he secretly loves." Hizashi said sitting next to Nemuri.

Aizawa walked behind Nemuri to get to the coffee pot before another wave hit him and had him running to the bathroom again.

Hizashi blinked before running after him and holding his hair and rubbing his back. "I really think you should go home Sho."

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