New Pup?

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After the class went back to the dorms Aizawa stayed in his classroom as his mind spiraled. He kept asking himself if this kid could be his pup followed by him thinking that it couldn't be his pup seeing as he'd given birth in America.

He shook his head before grabbing his stuff as he walked out of the room and decided to walk home. He didn't call Hizashi not really wanting to talk to him at the moment.

He walked home in a daze not realizing what he was doing until he was halfway done. He was currently holding Hizashi's favorite shirt as he started to make a nest.

Normally he only made a nest when he was in heat, yet this time felt different. He didn't know what it was, and he sat on his bed on Hizashi's side as he tried to figure it out.

He ran through different scenarios except for one that he didn't let himself think about. He was lost in thought as Hizashi came in and smiled at him.

"Shota you need anything?" he asked as he sat just outside the nest knowing not to go in unless his mate invited him.

Shota blinked and looked at him before smiling lightly. "I'm fine."

"Not that I'm complaining, but why did you make a nest?"

"I felt like it it's not done yet though." He said looking around as he decided to give into his instincts. He looked at every piece he had before looking around the room and huffing when he couldn't find what he needed.

He sighed as he rolled over onto his side before reaching his hand out to his husband who he then pulled onto the bed.

Hizashi squeaked but smiled as he wrapped his arms around him burying his face in his neck. He breathed in his scent before a memory came back.



"Are you sure you didn't change your soap or something? You smell different, yet I can still pinpoint your soaps. It reminds me of the summer you went to spend two months with your cousins." He said playing with his hair.

Shota tensed up as he bit his lip so he wouldn't alert Hizashi. That didn't work out because the alpha was looking at him with his eyebrows scrunched. "Babe you okay?"

Shota nodded before he sat up. "I'm gonna shower can you make dinner?" he asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Sure, any special requests?" Hizashi asked not believing his mate but deciding to leave it for now.

"Whatever you want is fine." He said grabbing his clothes before walking to the bathroom.

He sighed before looking at himself in the mirror, he stared at his face for a while before he took off his shirt and looked at his torso.

He noticed he'd gained a little weight but didn't think anything of it when he first noticed. Now however he thought about it, if Hizashi thought he smelled like he did during that summer then there was reason for him to be concerned.

He sighed and laid a hand on his stomach before he closed his eyes and sat on the floor tears streaming down his face. "No, not again. Please not again."

After a while he got up and changed deciding to take a shower another time as he went to eat with his husband. They talked about school and their students.

"That new kid, Shinso he's honestly a great kid. I had them do a small paragraph about their favorite tv show and his paragraph was amazing. Honestly I never thought I'd say this, but he might actually be better than Yaoyorozu."

Shota's omega preened at that glad that he could please his alpha with their child even if they didn't know it.

The next day found Shota awake at five on his way to the dollar store to get a test before heading to the school. He sighed and shook his head mumbling to himself.

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