Family Reunited

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Two weeks later

Hitoshi had come clean to the others about being adopted when hed been asked about his parents during a pack night when they were playing truth or dare.

Everyone was a little shocked but didn't press him any further when it was obvious he didn't want to talk about it.

He still hadn't found the right time to talk to Mr. Aizawa, he kept getting interrupted when he tried too. He was getting frustrated because it seemed like the universe didn't want him to know.

Hizashi and Aizawa were preparing for their pup to be born which meant that someone was usually always watching Aizawa. Even if that ended up pissing Aizawa off.

Aizawa was getting closer to his due date and it was starting to weigh on him. They weren't sure what they were having wanting to be surprised. All of his students were helping him when they were around, and he hated the attention.

Shinso stood in the hallway after school let out attempting to talk to Mr. Aizawa again. Denki had offered to stay with him, but he told him it would be better if they were alone.

He sighed as he went to rub at his eyes forgetting that he had make up on and smudged the cover up. "OwShit fuck." He mumbled as he remembered the black eye he had covered up.

He was glad that it wasn't swollen and just put some foundation over it. He turned around to leave when the door opened. "Shinso?" Aizawa called getting his attention.

"Yes Mr. Aizawa?" He asked holding his hand over his eye lightly.

"Did I just hear you curse?" he asked leaning against the door.

"UhYes sir. I'm sorry it won't happen again." Shinso said hanging his head as he tried to walk away.

Aizawa used his capture gear and turned him around to face him. "Shinso, what's going on?" He asked worried for his student and possible pup.

"It's nothing sir. Really I was training the other day and got a right hook to the eye." He said knowing he couldn't hide it anymore but not wanting to tell the actual truth.

"Have you gone to see recovery girl?" He asked releasing the boy.

"Uh I was just on my way there."

"Shinso, I can tell you tried to cover it up. Come in and we can talk." Aizawa said as he walked back in to sit down.

Hitoshi looked after the man and took a breath before he walked in shutting the door. "So, how did you actually get the black eye?"

"Iwent home for the weekend and was rough housing with one of my foster siblings." He said not making eye contact with him.

"Shinso, if you're scared I'm here to help you. You don't have to hide anything from me." He said calmly as he looked at the boy across from him.

Hitoshi looked at him biting his lip before sighing. "Fine, I was late. I was supposed to be home at noon and I was ten minutes late because of traffic." He said looking down at his hands.

Aizawa growled and felt his omega rear it's head ready to attack anyone who dare hurt it's pup. "Who did that to you?"

"My foster dad." He said looking up at him. "But he didn't mean it. He had a bad day at work and was worried about me and just reacted."

"Shinso, no parent would give their kid a black eye no matter how much of a bad day they had. I'm going to have to tell Principal Nezu about this." He said folding his hands in front of him.

Hitoshi sighed wrapping his arms around himself. "I know sir. I just I don't want to move again. This is the fifth house I've been in this year." He said wiping his tears.

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