Saturday 2.0

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That night 6:00 pm

Izuku stood in the small space as he looked around making sure everything was perfect. He had the food set up with plate warmers so the food wouldn't get cold.

He'd even picked out Katsukis favorite everything, this night was supposed to be about him anyway. He paced a little bit before he got a whiff of his omegas scent.

"You came." He said smiling as he turned in the direction of his mate.

"Well, I didn't really have a choice now did I?" He asked crossing his arms a light blush spread across his face.

Izuku's heart fluttered before he noticed that Katsuki was holding the bear. "Here." Katsuki said holding it out to him.

"I see." He said taking it back as he looked away from him.

"It doesn't smell like you anymore, nerd. If you make your scent permanent on it then I'll take it back." Katsuki said grumbling a little bit.

Izuku perked up and smiled at Katsuki. "I can do that." He said before setting it down next to the stereo. "I prepared a dinner for us." He said bowing.

"You didn't have to do this." Katsuki said taking his hand as they walked to the picnic table he had set up.

"Yes I did. I wanted a special night just for the two of us. Our parents know not to disturb us, I even powered down my phone." He said showing him that it wouldnt turn on. "I left Momo in charge for tonight."

Izuku smiled at him as he kissed his hand before pulling out the chair for Katsuki and pushing him back in. Katsuki held back a smile as he knew they'd be completely alone for tonight.

Izuku smiled at him and took the cover off his plate so he could see what they were eating. "Also, you look amazing tonight." He said setting the covers aside.

"Thank you, you look nice too. I love the way you did your makeup." Katsuki said as he set his napkin in his lap smiling across at his alpha.

"I'm really sorry, Katsuki. After everyone made me the pack leader I just threw myself into it." He said looking down at his plate. "I didn't realize that I started to neglect you."

"It's alright, Izu." He said reaching across the table to hold his hand. "I know that I could've gone easier on you, and you didn't deserve me yelling at you like that. I'm sorry."

"Don't be it knocked some sense into me." He said smiling at him and squeezing his hand.

They talked and ate Katsuki complimented his cooking happy that Izuku knew all his favorite foods and took the time to set everything up. They ate dessert which was just a banana split with their favorite ice creams.

"There's one more thing I have planned." Izuku said standing up as he walked back over to the stereo and pressed play.

He smiled at Katsuki walking back to him before bowing with one hand behind his back. "May I have this dance?" He asked holding his other hand out to him.

Katsuki looked at him and wiped his mouth setting the napkin back on the table. "You may." He said taking his hand.

Izuku led him to the small gazebo area pulling him close as they started dancing to the music. They'd finished eating around eight o'clock and waited a few minutes for the food to settle before going to dance.

Izuku knew just what to do to get back on his omegas good side and Katsuki loved every minute of it. He smiled as he was able to spend the entire night with his alpha with no interruptions.

"When we get back to the dorms how about we go up to my room and cuddle? I miss having you next to me." Izuku said looking up at him.

"I'd love that, I know it's only been two days, but it feels like it's been years." Katsuki said as the music stopped.

Izuku looked at the time seeing that it was almost ten and even though it was the weekend they still had to be at the dorms by eleven. "We should get going."

Katsuki pouted lightly before he started to help clean up. "You don't need to do that." Izuku said as he grabbed the picnic basket setting in their dirty dishes on one side.

"It'll go faster if I help." He said as he unplugged the lights taking them down and rolling them up.

They got everything cleaned up and packed away in ten minutes and started walking back to the dorms.

Izuku insisted on washing the dishes instead of letting them sit over night making Katsuki pout but he waited anyway. After he was done he packed everything back in the basket heading up to his room.

After he set everything down Katsuki immediately pulled him onto the bed snuggling close. Izuku smiled wrapping his arms around him kissing his forehead.

They fell asleep like that wrapped in each other's arms completely content with everything.

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