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A/N: I know these have gotten shorter lately but I'm trying to make this last and breaking it up is a little difficult. Yes I know this is late and I'm sorry. Life is crazy right now and it slipped my mind and I'm working on other stories to post once these two are finished. Also mild WARNING this chapter contains a panic attack you'll know when it comes up once Shinso mentions it please skip over that if it will trigger you. I want everyone to be safe. Also that Panic attack is based off of one I had. It is towards the end


Katsuki was in his room as he stared at the bear that hadn't left his bed since it was placed there. It smelled like his alpha and if he couldn't get the real thing this was the next best thing.

He knew he overreacted and sighed as he cuddled the bear. He should've gone to talk to Izuku, but he was still upset that they hadn't been able to spend time together.

He buried his face in his bear deciding to give it back to Izuku so he could scent it more because it was already losing his scent.

Katsuki was silent for the most part except when he was talking to the others but hadn't spent much time around Izuku which was starting to weigh on him.

He'd talked to Kirishima about it and he'd told him to go ahead and talk to him which he then refused because of principal. He got up and looked through his closet to find his nicest outfit he had.

He then decided to go to his house seeing as he didn't have any nice suits with him.

He went to his house taking the train so he could get there quicker taking the bear with him.


Shinso was in the common room talking to the others as they complimented his makeup. He was glad that they didn't comment on the lightning bolts. He hoped they looked enough like dots to go unnoticed.

"Wow, I didn't know you wore makeup." Uraraka said staring at him wide eyed.

"I normally don't but Midoriya convinced me too." He said looking away from them a little bit. "Hey, how are the others doing?"

"They should be finishing their cycles today." Tokoyami said from where he sat on the couch. "We'll keep an ear out until they call out to us."

Kaminari walked down and saw everyone huddled together. "Hey, guys what's going on?"

Everyone looked at him with smiles or smirks on their faces as a few of them walked away slowly revealing Shinso. "Oh, nothing ya know just chatting." Aoyama said smiling at him before being pulled away by Shoto.

He looked at them curiously before looking at Shinso as he looked him up and down.

He was wearing black slip on shoes with some black jeans and a dark purple button up shirt. He had his hair spiked up like normal.

When Kaminari landed on his face he blinked a few times trying to keep the blush from his face as he started to flounder for words. "UhYou uh you look great." He said smiling.

Shinso eyed him up and down seeing that he was wearing black dress shoes and slacks and he had a yellow button up shirt on.

"So, do you." He said smiling as he blushed before looking away.

"Denki don't keep him out too late, be safe and have fun. But not too much fun." Mina said pushing them both towards the door making Denki splutter and Shinso blush and duck his head.

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